People are trying to figure out exactly what the DeSantis campaign were thinking when they created what appears to be an attack ad against Donald Trump, gay people and a host of others.  [published on twitter] It’s really quite a wild story.

Following on the heels of Ron DeSantis saying he intends to start shooting Mexicans at the southern border, a policy position -I might add- that reveals the uniparty agenda because the media completely ignore it, the DeSantis team now release a video highlighting their anger and hatred toward gays, lesbians and Donald Trump.

The video [see below] highlights how President Trump defended the LGBTQ community against targeting by identified Muslim hate groups.  The video is supposed to present Trump’s policy about gay people as a negative against Donald Trump. The video then evolves into a weird production of Ron DeSantis as the destroyer of gay people.

The ad is even more bizarre when you think about all the time and energy Ron DeSantis put into denying the Florida law against sexualizing children was really a “don’t say gay law.”

This might have sounded good in the echo-chamber of a toxic media network organized by Christina Pushaw, but the end result is something that only makes the campaign look more ridiculous.   See Tweet Video below:
