The primary reason Katie Hobbs is refusing to debate has to be connected to her complete lack of qualifications and her transparent lack of articulate intelligence.  Having watched a few interviews with Hobbs, it’s obvious more visibility would only hurt her.

Conversely, the more voters see Mrs. Kari Lake the more they like her.  Mrs Lake is a very impressive and articulate candidate on policy and substance. Additionally, she believes her message and speaks directly to the concerns of Arizona voters.

A recent poll released today by Fox10 shows Mrs. Lake pulling ahead:

ARIZONA – […] With less than 2 weeks to go before the November election, Republican Kari Lake leads Democrat Katie Hobbs by 11 percentage points. Only about 2% of voters are undecided. Pollster Matt Towery believes that Hobbs’ reluctance to debate Lake may be a reason why the gap has widened in recent weeks. According to InsiderAdvantage, Lake is polling higher among older adults and Hispanics. (more)

I have a hunch the VP position is going to come down to Marjorie Taylor Greene or Kari Lake.

