Pump this straight into my bloodstream….

Some people can just assemble words brilliantly.  J.B. Shurk for American Thinker:

“Donald Trump is still the most popular politician in America.  Despite the best efforts of a Deep State–supporting, fake news–peddling, globalist-puppeteering Axis of Evil dedicated to his disposal, President Trump still stands.

That any man could be so continuously pummeled by the corrupt efforts of America’s criminal (in)justice system, sociopathic officeholders, shady spies for hire, and propaganda-spewing press and yet rise with such vim and vigor is a sight to see!  Courage and resilience in the face of unrelenting torment and scorn tend to galvanize those witnessing the bloody spectacle to the sufferer’s cause.  To remain undefeated while the torturers’ whipping arms become weak and weary inspires legions to remain undefeated, too.

How do great and powerful systems come toppling down?  When one man stands fearlessly before the rot and rancidness with a giant mirror and says, “Look at what you’ve become.” (Continue Reading)

