A couple of brief notes from the Misfits mailbox.

First, to everyone who has sent well wishes, helpful suggestions and a request for an update as I battle the Xi-Flu, thank you.   I’m on day five of this thing and I would like to say it’s improving, but every time I think I’ve turned the corner, it gets bad again.  Mostly just massive aches and fatigue like nothing I have ever experienced.

Overall, I’m a healthy hermit.  Part of this COVID treatment is just letting the meds do the work and staying active between the episodes of exhaustion.  All will be okay, just the darnedest type of illness I have ever encountered.  No need to dwell, but my sincere appreciation for all the well wishes.  Y’all are great.

Second point, I’m not exactly sure why all of a sudden there’s a bunch of emails saying thanks for the advanced warnings last year about prices and our current economic status. However, it makes me feel good that many people are better positioned to assist their families through this Biden nightmare because of a little diligent advanced planning.

Every once in a while, -when digging through the data- my mind does wonder if there’s value in these forecasts.  I worry at times that it can seem depressing, but generally my intent is always to help people be prepared.  Knowing that so many people have been able to take even just a little bit of the stress out of the situation through preparation inspires me.  Our little community are the best peeps I know – smart too, and a very high information crew.   I cherish all y’all.

Keep in mind that most of the information we share and discuss is intended to provide tools and intellectual armament.   When you know what is truly happening; and when you know why it is happening; then you can mitigate any negative part that might touch on your life.   This is the essence of self-empowerment.

My sense is that more people are more aware of things now than ever before.  You can see the evidence of two ways:

(1) The amount of seriously hard-hitting, fact-based, conversation that appears in social media that just eviscerates the BS narratives.   There was always a small percentage of people who could see with eyes wide open, but now, wowzaa the scale of assembly for the truth tellers is far bigger than ever before in my lifetime.  This is a very good thing.  The Truth-Tellers are swinging the big lumber now, and they are swinging it more forcefully than ever before.  You can see that in comments all around the internets.

(2) The amount of panic in the reactions from the liars in government.  Their need for control is a reaction to fear, and boy howdy are they trying to get control of the conversation in every way imaginable.   They suck, just keep that in mind.  Eventually they lose because ultimately their control is an illusion, we give them by our obedience.  Be ungovernable when the liars and connivers try to control us.  Keep throwing sand into their machinery, the more they gnash their teeth and wail at us – the more we should be laughing at them.

Lastly, remember to live your best life.  There’s only a certain number of seconds left, don’t let the communists steal your peace.

In the most general terms, the federal idiots are not directly touching our life on a moment-to-moment basis.  Our family, our friends, our community, our tribe is more important in our life than any federal bureaucrat or pontificating pustule of a politician.

Enjoy the people in your life, I mean really enjoy them.  Stop all the busyness sometimes and just remind yourself to enjoy the quirky idiosyncrasies of the couple next door, or the guy down the block, or the stranger in the market.  Remember the word that really matters, fellowship.  Life is about human connections and the memories they provide us.

I’m rambling…

All of that said, to say this.  THANK YOU for you….

….And don’t forget, there are more of us than them.

Love to all,

