There has always been strong cynicism amid those who accept the intellectual argument that everything around COVID-19 is political.  From that viewpoint, the federal vaccine mandate was always just a Biden talking point, a way to weaponize a fear they created and create controlled division.  A memorandum circulating today lends evidence to that perspective.

WASHINGTON DC – The White House’s Office of Management and Budget is telling federal agencies they should hold off on suspending or firing federal workers for not complying with the vaccine mandate until after the holidays, according to a memo obtained by ABC News.

This change, which has not yet been publicly announced, comes as President Joe Biden is putting pressure on private employers to embrace their own vaccine mandates.

Ninety-two percent of federal workers have already had at least one vaccine dose, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The federal workforce’s compliance rate stands at 96.5%, meaning employees have had at least one vaccine dose or have a pending or approved exception or extension request. (link)

If the latest Omicron variant was factually all that Biden is claiming it to be, this contradiction would not be evident – but it is.  However, the exponentially and rapidly climbing list of contradictions and hypocrisies from officials, institutions and agencies can all be reconciled with one simple acceptance: It’s all political. All of it. Every element, no matter how granular or big picture, is all political.

It is also important to note the recent NBC poll on this issue amid the outlook of the vaccine mandates.  A majority of the country do not support the vaccine mandates, and worse still, the number of unvaccinated workers is essentially unwavering in the past six weeks {poll data}.  Remember, the number of Americans who willingly quit their jobs increased to 4.3 million in August {link}, and then increased again to 4.4 million in September {link}. People are not f**king around now.
