Senator Marco Rubiobot reappeared for his first “on camera” interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper since dropping out of the presidential primary race.

[In an effort to recapture some conservative relevancy/credibility, Senator Rubio met with strategic war advocate Mark Levin prior to Jake Tapper]

Delivering and repeating his scripted and well-rehearsed talking points, a trademark of his political career, Rubio dismissed any notion that he would be a vice-presidential pick for Donald Trump and quixotically obfuscated away from any endorsement; preferring instead to repeat the ‘I-signed-a-pledge’ meme ad nauseam.
In essence the former presidential candidate proved in a post-election interview why he never stood a chance in the pre-interview election race.  Some things never change.

The best part of the interview was toward the end.  After Rubio praised NATO and the United Nations Jake Tapper correctly pointed out that Marco Rubio’s foreign policy, and global world view, is essentially identical to Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
The interview became funny because Rubio responded: “but I wanted earlier intervention in Syria”, which left Tapper open to affirm his original framework with the bulls-eye retort: “well, um, so did she” DUH.
After stuttering, Rubiobot quickly moved on…

rubio conman
Move along water-boy, the war mongering globalists are beckoning you home.  There’s a country in soon-to-be turmoil somewhere that will pay handsomely for your skills, contacts and influence.  After all, you did just come back from Qatar.
Nuf said.
