We anticipate more than one possible Wisconsin results thread, hence the numbering as above.

Wisconsin Votes Today

trump cruz - debate break

Currently Trump is ahead 752 to 469 in delegates.

Popular vote so far:

  1. Donald Trump – 7,863,052
  2. Ted Cruz – 5,782,142

Wisconsin is a modified ‘Winner Take All’ delegate distribution – By State and By Congressional District:

♦ 24 district delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the 8 congressional districts: each congressional district is assigned 3 National Convention delegates and the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in that district will receive all 3 of that district’s National Convention delegates.

♦ 18 at-large delegates (10 base at-large delegates plus 5 bonus delegates plus 3 RNC delegates) are to be bound to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the primary statewide.

Total = 42 Delegates Available.  Wisconsin Polls close at 9:00pm Eastern.

