predatorviewStreet thugs or US government operatives.  It’s getting harder to tell the difference.

Now, apparently, the Intelligence Committee spills the beans in the Congressional Record that there really is no difference in their operating procedures or outlook.

Random, indiscriminate killing of unverified targets now A-OK.  Street thugs spraying random shots in a drive-by, or the US government killing random civilians in an untargeted unverified drone strike.  Same-same!  Doesn’t that make ya feel all squishy-yummy inside?


h/t Mark Stoller via Washington’s Blog:

November 25, 2013, As Reported by the Intelligence (Permanent) Committee


Ms. Schakowsky offered an amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to prohibit lethal action against an individual if the U.S. Government does not know the identity of that individual with a near certainty.


The Committee rejected the amendment by Ms. Schakowsky to prohibit lethal action against an individual if the U.S. Government does not know the identity of that individual with a near certainty ….

Don’t believe me?  Check out the full unredacted  Congressional Record citation for yourself.

obamalonglineofcommies                                Remember, Comrades, to consider this most victorious Administration                                            criminal     is …. rayciss and unpatriotic!

