[Hattip Sharon] There’s not much more I can say about Prez SCOAMF’s actions, here. Well, actually, there’s a lot I can say, but it would inevitably end with me frothing at the mouth and chewing the furniture, and fixing that sort of damage is out of my budget right now. . .
From Riehl World View: . . .

The claim is that a decision by the Obama administration put a political speech meant to bolster his chances at re-election, above the desires, traditions and practices of many Vietnam-era military members and their families, who have been coming together at The Wall on Memorial Day for decades, now. No notice was given regarding the closing due to Obama’s decision to use The Wall as backdrop in his Memorial Day speech.
Sources insist it remained closed for hours, until most simply grew frustrated and went away. For decades, individuals have been coming together there on Memorial Day to perform simple acts and observances in keeping with America’s established Memorial Day tradition.

As the man says, read it all. It’ll make you cry and want to engage in some manner of destructive activity. Also see Thoughts From a Conservative Mom’s Blog.
UPDATE: If you just swallowed some poison by accident, and are in need of an immediate purgative, check out Hotair’s Obamateurism of the Day today. ‘Scuze me while I loose my breakfast. . . .
