CTH was essentially founded because everyone seemed more comfortable pretending about the journey than admitting the destination.  From the outset, and with a long view of the challenges we would face, I have repeatedly stated that everything on this website is free for the taking.  We are rapidly approaching the point where everyone is going to realize why that cornerstone was set.

The truth has no agenda, it just sits there -out there somewhere- waiting to be discovered. Our feelings about it are irrelevant to its existence. The core of the assembly is to look deeply at uncomfortable things, then accept them as they are and not as we would wish/pretend them to be.  We are now on the cusp of full information control – a literal technological reengineering of the U.S. internet communication network as we know it.

As a direct result, the voices who put accurate context to our national challenge are going to be targets.  Information is now being categorized according to definitions of people who do not have liberty at the forefront of online communication. The categories of information are intended to stop information averse to the interests of a few powerful institutions.  Ten years ago, people would say such predictions were fringe conspiracies.  Now, with more evidence surfacing every day, notsomuch.

[Reddit Source]

Now perhaps you are beginning to see why that free information cornerstone was set. The truth has no agenda!

Everything you read and review upon these pages is free for the taking. Anyone, for any reason, can take any content I produce and use it to advance the honest effort of providing raw unfiltered truth to their audience.  Everything is available for use free, without any attribution or citation needed.

All that I provide is free and can be modified, changed, enhanced in part or whole to meet your needs. Images, writing, research, analysis, all of it is provided, along with no expectation of citation or attribution dependent on your motives and intents.

Make the words your own; use them in part or modify to make a more intelligent or comprehensive outline. All the accompanying graphics are available to use as would suit your interests. Importantly, all the research is cited and verifiable.  This includes all the pdf files, government documents, FOIA outcomes and uploads to the SCRIBD account.   Take anything you want; thanks, sincerely, but no need to ask permission.

We are not going to save this republic by demanding or restricting information via self-important perspectives on citation or attribution. I simply do not care about such issues. Make it your own in whatever manner or format fits your interests.

Please accept this reminder with the expressed intent.  If you are brave enough to stand in front of the furnace, you have my full and unwavering support and appreciation.  You are simply considered my brother or sister.  It’s ok, just take it. Anything provided here is yours to take, whole or in part and make it your own, as we work earnestly to deliver greater understanding to a larger audience.

Effective solutions require brutally accurate understanding.

I will always work earnestly to be deserving of your fellowship. As new visitors attest every day, the fellowship in this commenting community is unique, insightful, articulate, intelligent, funny and awesome.  I love you guys.

With humble appreciation and the warmest of regards,


[Support CTH Here]

Remember, we are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance. We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.  We have allies and resources inside the core of the machinery.  We understand what and why everything is being constructed.

2021 -175 Million IP Addresses […] “Minutes before Trump left office, millions of the Pentagon’s dormant IP addresses sprang to life” was the title of a Washington Post article on Saturday. Literally three minutes before Joe Biden became president, a company called Global Resource Systems LLC “discreetly announced to the world’s computer networks a startling development: It now was managing a huge unused swath of the Internet that, for several decades, had been owned by the US military,” the Post said. (more)
