A lot of people are talking about this prior interview which provides some insight into the world of Tucker Carlson against the backdrop of current activity.  The content of the interview aligns with the perspective CTH previously shared {Go Deep}.

A little more than a month ago, Tucker appeared with the Nelk boys for their Full Send Podcast.  The part that is viral today starts at 01:20:50 of the video, toward the end of the interview when Tucker is discussing his evolution of opinion toward media, but the entire interview is interesting and very insightful.  If you have the time to watch the full interview it is worth the time.  If not, skip to the 01:20:50 part and catch the media perspective aspect.  WATCH:

The multinational media club are going full bore against Tucker Carlson right now, including the orchestrated efforts by all of Rupert Murdoch’s controlled outlets.

The need for control is a reaction to fear.  The media need to control the narrative around Tucker Carlson is from that same context; they fear him.
