CTH readers know Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowsi very well. Her history of political manipulation and DeceptiCon activity is deep. Murkowski was defeated in the GOP primary in 2010 by Joe Miller (who we supported), and yet the Alaska senator refused to give up her power and ran as a write-in candidate.  CTH has been exposing this b**ch for 12 years. Enough is enough.

The RNC club never punished Murkowski for those 2010 shenanigans because, well, the RNC club supports this type of cocktail club ideologue.

This reality is part of the entrenched problem with the RNC as an organization, they rebuke the efforts of the grassroots base.

Ronna McDaniel is simply one vile person in a long-line of vile RNC people who maintain this corrupt club operation.

Lisa Murkowski is a prime example of the type of politician who permits the Intelligence Branch to exist because the superseding branch of government allows her to continue living a life of indulgence and influence. She is a grifter and a liar of the highest order.

The DeceptiCon wing of the UniParty fuels and supports the Intelligence Branch because the Intelligence Branch protects both wings of the UniParty. This is why, despite refusing to accept the primary defeat, when Senator Murkowski arrived back in DC in January 2011 the Grandmaster DeceptiCon, Mitch McConnell, just let her go right back into her Energy Committee leadership spot. There are never repercussions for anything when you are protected by the Intelligence Branch.

This is not a party issue. Republicans and Democrats form both wings of the UniParty in congress; it is just more visible in the upper chamber because the Senate is more corrupt and entrenched. The Intelligence Branch exists because the lack of Senate oversight is responsible for it.

Lisa Murkowski was one of seven Republican senators who voted to impeach President Trump over the January 6th “riot” in DC. [Other GOP senators included Sens. Richard Burr (N.C.), Bill Cassidy (La.), Susan Collins (Maine), Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Pat Toomey (Pa.)] It is absolutely certain that Murkowski will be dispatched by the Republican base in the 2021 primary.

Senator Murkowski is uncertain if she will run again, but she is certain of her hatred for President Trump:

The Hill – […] During an interview that aired Friday with Alaska Landmine Radio, Murkowski, a GOP moderate, said that former President Trump has “threatened to do a lot” to his detractors, even those in his own party.

The veteran senator has served in the upper chamber since 2002 but during Friday’s interview would not confirm whether she would run for reelection in 2022. Radio host Jeff Landfield said that the race for her seat in the Senate would be closely watched.

“It will be. I think one of the things that I’ve learned is that none of the races that I’ve been part of have ever really been easy or ordinary. This will probably prove to be much, much along those lines,” Murkowski said. “I know that former President Trump is skeptical about me and the job that I do for Alaska, but I really think that that’s for Alaskans to judge.”

“Do you think he’s going to come up here?” Landfield asked.

Murkowski appeared to brush off past threats the president has made and characterized them as “idle.”

“You know, he’s threatened to. He’s threatened to do a lot to those who have stood up to him, and sometimes there’s some carry-through, and sometimes maybe it’s just idle words or idle threats, but I can’t let that influence what I do and how I do it and who I do it for,” Murkowski said. (read more)

Trump in 2020:
