A summary review of the DOJ and FBI insider group; those who were behind the 2016 election effort to block and then remove Donald Trump from office; reveals they are generally unhappy with ODNI Dan Coats being removed.
Former FBI Director James Comey:

Former CIA Director John Brennan:

Former Deputy Attorney General who was in charge of Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein:

Their basic disposition is one of anxiety to see Dan Coats being removed; and considerable concern that Representative John Ratcliffe will replace him.
The Lawfare group, aka legal beach friends, allies of the DOJ/FBI small group and advocates for the position of the seditious coup plotters, are collectively hoping that Coats’ Principal Deputy Director Sue Gordon will replace the director; [See Here]  while referencing 50 U.S. Code §3026 (a)(6)

(6)The Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence shall act for, and exercise the powers of, the Director of National Intelligence during the absence or disability of the Director of National Intelligence or during a vacancy in the position of Director of National Intelligence.

The basic outlook -as conveyed in a multitude of various Lawfare media articles – is that Sue Gordon will be able to use the interim time as ‘acting director’, while allies in congress (both parties) stall any confirmation for Ratcliffe, to mount a rapid ODNI response with burn bags, document shredders and coordinated media leaks.
All of the Lawfare allies, and their media and principal participants in the DOJ/FBI effort, seem focused on installing DNI Deputy Sue Gordon to delay any potential risk to record and document recovery, and/or production.   Together with the Brookings group this is the general direction of the Lawfare pushed media narrative.

Principal Deputy Director Sue Gordon (left), ODNI Director Dan Coats (right)

With all the coup plotters praising Dan Coats, strongly criticizing John Ratcliffe, and simultaneously working to install Sue Gordon, it would appear the administrative state has identified a risk to their interests.
The unity of their narrative is quite telling.
