These clubs (RNC & DNC) are so predictable, sometimes you just have to laugh. They follow an entirely predictable script.  After #8 entered the race CTH shared how the governors (actual executive experience) would now enter the race.  It is simply the same club sequence that is always followed: first congressional reps; then Senators, then Governors, then ‘outsiders’ and the club’s ‘chosen one’.
The congress critters are the noisy bunch, they set the lane perimeters (farthest left and farthest right). Once established, the high-brow step forward (the seasoned executives carrying the club platform), they set up the actual interior running lanes.
The goal of the governors is to use specific platform mandates (ie. the lanes or “specific interest groups”) to gain overall club registration.  [Voter support for the race]
Governor Jay Inslee (#9) brought the progressive environmental platform book. He’s recruiting the climate change activists.  Now Governor Hickenlooper (#10) brings the legalized dope platform book. He’s recruiting the national legalized marijuana coalition.

WaPo – John Hickenlooper, who served two terms as governor of Colorado, announced Monday that he is running for president, touting his accomplishments in a state that moved to the left during his time in office.

As governor, Hickenlooper presided over steady economic growth, the legalization of marijuana — which he initially opposed — and a surge that put Democrats in full control of a once-conservative state.
“I’m running for president because we need dreamers in Washington, but we also need to get things done,” Hickenlooper says in a video announcing his candidacy. “I’ve proven again and again I can bring people together to produce the progressive change Washington has failed to deliver.”
Aides said Hickenlooper plans a kickoff rally in Denver on Thursday before heading to Iowa, the first presidential nominating state, this weekend. (read more)

Once you see the stings on the marionettes you can never go back to the time when you watched the puppet performance and did not see them.
The unofficial ‘chosen one‘, the intended party donor candidate, will not likely surface until April or May 2019. The DNC is predictable; it’s a club. It’s still too early for the anointed candidate to surface. Governor Hickenlooper has a narrowly focused responsibility to highlight an important platform item, legal marijuana 2020.
Knowing it’s likely the ♦UniParty DNC is following a similar ♦UniParty RNC strategy, we can start to put the personal characteristics and political traits together and contrast them against 2016. Here’s the way it looks so far:

  • Senator Ted Cruz was to 2016…. as Senator Elizabeth Warren is to 2020
  • ♦Governor Jeb Bush was to 2016 as….
  • Senator Marco Rubio was to 2016… as Senator Bernie Sanders is to 2020
  • Governor John Kasich was to 2016… as Senator Cory Booker is to 2020
  • Senator Lindsey Graham was to 2016 as… Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is to 2020
  • Governor Mike Huckabee was to 2016 as….
  • Senator Rand Paul was to 2016…. as Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is to 2020
  • Dr. Ben Carson was to 2016 as…
  • Governor Chris Christie was to 2016 as… Governor J. Hickenlooper is to 2020
  • Governor Scott Walker was to 2016 as… Governor Jay Inslee is to 2020
  • Senator Rick Santorum was to 2016…. as Senator Sherrod Brown is to 2020
  • Governor George Pataki was to 2016 as….
  • Governor Rick Perry was to 2016…. as Senator Kamala Harris is to 2020
  • Governor Bobby Jindal was to 2016…. as Julian Castro is to 2020
  • Carly Fiorina was to 2016 as…. Senator Amy Klobuchar is to 2020
  • Governor Jim Gilmore was to 2016…

Reminder, anyone who is announcing their presidential bid ahead of Speaker Pelosi delivering the impeachment narrative is not part of the DNC plan. The “Chosen One” will surface during the April/May to June/July period when the legislative crew, the DNC crew and the media crew execute the impeachment plan.
We will be able to identify the “Chosen One” by the roll out that accompanies the announcement. [ex. remember the Greek columns, trumpets, pomp, etc.?]
Once we get a few more names (approx. 16) on the DNC side, we can start to have fun with the celebrity squares graphics.
