Media polls are fraught with the same ideological bias and intent as all other stories within the media entities producing the polls.  It’s a simple thing to accept. It’s not complex.

That said, you can only keep up a ridiculous ruse for a particular amount of time, after that you begin to look silly.   The media will call the next few weeks “Trumps’ Labor Day Bounce”.  Watch, it’s transparently predictable…

31 straight days of fundraisers scheduled and attended for/by Hillary Clinton in August. “IF” all prior media polling was truthful, what could they possibly need all that money for? LOLOL. It’s a human condition:

…”we do that which is important to us, and we avoid that which we deem less desirable or unimportant”…

trump momentum


trump momentum 2


trump momentum


trump momentum 2


trump landslide 2
