A REMINDER – And it looks like we won’t be eating rice cakes.

On June 15th the MSM writ large, was claiming Hillary Clinton was ahead of Donald Trump by a ridiculous 10 to 15 points.  That’s what they were selling. Complete nonsense.

The same media also need to make the ruse look somewhat reasonable – ergo a month later (mid-July) they claimed the same polls were tied, or Trump had “bounced” 15 points from the GOP convention.  That’s what they were selling. Again, complete nonsense.

Now, today, August 1st – EXACTLY AS WE PREDICTED – Those same media polls, by those same media pollsters (to give Hillary her “bounce”) have the presidential race returning back to exactly what the narrative was on JUNE 15th.  Hillary with a 10 point lead.

Baby Newt


Question:  If this opinion polling stuff was factually true, as in: – if these polls were factually accurate as of today – then how the hell did we know, A WEEK AGO, today’s CNN/ORC poll was going to be EXACTLY WHAT IT IS ?

Answer: If they were factual polls, we wouldn’t.  But, because they are manufactured media polls, and we know the entities presenting the polls, we are able to tell you in advance, with precision, exactly what those agenda-polls were going to state.

We are NOT Nostradamus.


WRITTEN JULY 28TH – We are not, repeat NOT, going to exhaust unnecessary energy in the next 10 days to deconstruct the insufferably predictable media-agenda-polls that are looming on the near horizon.

The corporations who have a vested interest in manufacturing the Potemkin village have their collected pollsters armed with fresh paint to create the optics of a “historic” surge in polling upon the conclusion of the Democrat National Party Convention in Philadelphia.

Benjamin Franklin Half a Truth is often a Great Lie

This paint job has been planned for weeks, if not months.

You can count on a manufactured corporate-media pretense to deliver a carefully scripted narrative giving Hillary Clinton a post convention bounce around 10 to 15 points (+/- 3).

What’s coming is so intensely predictable, that if they don’t do it – we’ll actually eat a plain rice cake.

There may be a few scientific polling outcomes that are not connected to the tentacles of the media; we’ll look for those.

However, polling from: CNN/ORC (Turner), ABC (Disney), NBC (Mark Murray), Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch), Monmouth (Patrick Murray), FOX News (Daron Shaw), Reuters, CBS (David Rhodes), and PPP (Happy Liberals), are g-u–a-r-a-n-t-e-e-d to be manufactured for maximum political value. ie. Painting the Potemkin Village.

Fortunately, there’s a decent (and recent) history showing the ideological fail of their best prior efforts. Divergent outcomes including: Matt Bevin (KY), GOP Primary (FL, IN, etc), The Brexit outcome, and the Republican delegate totals etc., the list goes on.

Consequently, amid the new electoral awakening, people are looking more critically, more cynically, at the disconnect between agenda-driven media polls (corporate interests) and the factual real outcomes (people interests).

How can we be so certain the onslaught is about to take place? Good Question.

Take today, as a litmus in a predictive sense. The Pennsylvania polling from Suffolk U is bizarrely disconnected from current reality. Also today, Rasmussen says Clinton leads by 5 points amid “unaffiliated” voters. Keep in mind just last week the same Rasmussen poll had Trump leading by 20 points (44/24), with those SAME unaffiliated voters. Did unaffiliated Rasmussen voters swing 25 points in a week?… of course not. That’s silly. But that’s what they presented today. The week prior to last week it was Trump +11 (43/32) with the same voters.

Conversely, Donald J Trump did not swing 16 or 17 points in his post GOP convention bounce. Attributing such pro-Trump polling outcomes to reality is just as flawed as accepting the upcoming pro-hillary polling paint job.

Outlining the media corruption in this process is not conspiracy theory, it’s not hiding from reality, it’s not a host of other “things” or “isms” that those with vested political interests might call it. It’s just simply the natural and transparently predictable acceptance that trillions of dollars are at stake in this election, and those massively invested influences have a vested stake in a very particular and specific approach.

And we hate rice cakes.

soros clinton
