During a flight between Pennsylvania and Ohio candidate Donald Trump hosted an AMA Reddit –See Here– A social media engagement opportunity for people to write in questions to the popular site Reddit, and have candidate Donald Trump answer them directly:

Trump on reddit 2

trump ama reddit

It was the largest AMA in Reddit’s history:

trump reddit ama


Donald Trump participated in the event between campaign stops in Scranton Pennsylvania and Toledo Ohio.

Here’s Scranton:

trump ohio 1

trump ohio 2

trump ohio 3

trump ohio 4

(Via ABC News)  Republican nominee Donald Trump visited Reddit tonight as part of an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, and fielded questions from his most ardent supporters on the web.

trump on redditTrump has been an Internet phenomenon since announcing his candidacy in 2015, and Reddit has served as a kind of hot spot for dialogue about his ideas for his fans. Trump, who was flying from an event in Scranton to an event in Toledo during the session, was delayed at the start of the event, and replied to questions slowly.

He touched on issues of the police, visa reform, the Affordable Care Act and voter fraud.

“Voter fraud is always a serious concern and authorities must be vigilant from keeping those from voting that are not authorized to do so,” Trump said in response to a question about the potential for rigged voting machines in November.

Several users expressed concern that the media and government were colluding to interfere with Trump’s campaign, and block him from winning the presidency. Trump said that he was concerned about the “dishonesty of the press,” and praised “new media” as a way to get out the truth.  (read more)

After the flight, Donald Trump arrived in Toledo Ohio to another sold out arena….

trump toledo 1

Toledo 6

toledo 4

toledo 5

toledo 1


….and no, Candidate Mitt Romney never drew this much enthusiasm, this much voter engagement, this much excitement.  And NO Republican candidate has ever worked this hard to win an election on behalf of his supporters.


It won’t be close folks.

It won’t even be close:

Republican voter turnout projected 2

