Hillary Clinton faces a general election problem almost identical to the problem Ted Cruz faced in the 2016 republican primary: ‘the need to avoid personal exposure‘.

Any random visibility of Hillary Clinton leads to an increased acceptance that she is fundamentally inauthentic.  More exposure leads to diminished support.  In essence, ‘who‘ Hillary Clinton is becomes the greatest risk to her own candidacy.  It’s a weird dynamic.

hillary stroke 2Robby Mook 2

As a direct consequence the campaign staff, and those who are charged with retention of a false image, cannot allow Hillary Clinton to face situations where she (they) are not in full control of the optics and outcomes.   Today, when faced with questions about Hillary’s lack of accessibility by the media the campaign manager laughed off any possibility:

(The Hill) […] Speaking at a luncheon hosted by The Wall Street Journal, campaign manager Robby Mook (above right) burst out laughing when asked if Clinton would hold court with members of the media before Election Day.

[…]  According to a count by The Washington Post, it has been more than 230 days since Clinton last held one — Dec. 4, 2015.

When Washington Post editorial board editor Ruth Marcus asked if the press conference blackout would continue into a Clinton administration, Mook again laughed it off. (more)

Think about how incredulous this is from a practical standpoint.  Hillary Clinton has won the 2016 Democrat primary race without holding a single press conference all year – not one.

Obviously there are those who will critique such a reality by saying Clinton is a phony, a woman carefully scripted to deliver only poll-tested and focus-grouped presentations.  Further, the only way to retain the inauthentic ruse is to keep the manufactured impression of her fundamental political viability alive through scheme and fraud.  This is true to a certain extent, however, the basic issue is much larger.

hillary strokeThere is nothing to indicate that Hillary Clinton is healthy enough to campaign with what political followers would call “full-throated intensity“.

Factually, the opposite is true.

Beyond the frequent coughing spouts noted by many, there are numerous indications that Clinton is physically incapable of handling the grueling and stressful customary approach toward campaigning; including the Clinton campaign’s position they refuse to release the former Secretary of State’s medical records.

Several people have noted how ‘light’ Clinton’s campaign schedule is/was throughout the 2016 primary.  The campaign claimed the lack of large venue rallies and arena events was because Hillary preferred smaller, more intimate, gatherings.  However, in hindsight there appears to be a more concerning reasoning that appears entirely related to her capability to retain the needed physical and mental energy needed to uphold traditional campaigning.  Secretary Clinton just can’t do it.

Perhaps that explains why President Obama is enlisted to do what Hillary Clinton cannot do, campaign heavily in October:

[…]  The president plans to campaign aggressively for Mrs. Clinton this fall. Aides have largely cleared his calendar in October, and barring new crises, the White House expects Mr. Obama to be on the campaign trail almost daily leading up to Election Day. (link)

What remains is a candidate who is not only hiding from the scrutiny and questioning of the media, but a candidate who is also hiding from the electorate she is trying to convince.  Fortunately, Mrs. Clinton is protected by an ideological media enterprise, and entirely corrupted fourth estate, who are willing to go along with the scheme.

Stay tuned, this might get interesting if Donald Trump begins to call her out on these issues.  In the face of the reality, there’s only so much the media can do before they must admit Trump’s right….

Hillary Clinton press we can
