The bloom is on the ruse Lou, the bloom is on the ruse.

lou dobbs tweet - ryan

(The Hill) Republicans will hold hearings to learn more about the FBI’s decision to not recommend criminal charges for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday night.

“People have been convicted for far less,” Ryan said during an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News’s “The Kelly File,” saying that he thought FBI Director James Comey “was going to recommend prosecution” based on the FBI director’s opening remarks in a press conference Tuesday.  (read more)

Paul Ryan

Ryan is simply playing a political ruse.  There’s nothing factually positive -no benefit, nothing of substance to be gained- as a result of congress giving FBI director James Comey more time to obfuscate his reasoning for not recommending criminal charges against Hillary Clinton;  Ryan knows this, yet Ryan wants to play the theater.

A panel of Democrats offering hours of obfuscation, talking points and political avoidance while the Republican side will wax philosophically about the appearance of a disingenuous set of rules.

Theatrics, nothing more and nothing less.

It’s what the UniParty does when the time comes to feed the electoral machines with the pellets of false choice.   Insert vote, pull lever, get pellet…. move along, move along now.

