Many people are rightly upset the FBI Director James Comey refused to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.   There are indeed ample examples of identical behavior resulting in criminal prosecutions for the same, similar, or even lesser circumstances surrounding Clinton’s behavior.
However, in everything political we all note there are, unfortunately, various quid-pro-quo arrangements based on leverage.  Knowing the system is rigged in that regard doesn’t make anything more acceptable, but it does aid the understanding.
drudge screenshot - fbi probeloretta 6
If we think back to the Orlando Terrorist Massacre, one of the intentionally avoided aspects generally hidden by the national MSM surrounded the tips, warning flags, specific warnings sent to the FBI about the possible terror threat from Omar Mateen.
The media portrayed the warnings as stemming from Mateen’s “coworkers“, but we revealed the “coworkers” were actually Sheriff’s Officers.
It was law enforcement, all the way up to the County Sheriff, working at the federal courthouse who told the FBI that Omar Mateen was sketchy, not ordinary citizens or simply “coworkers”.
Additionally, not only was the FBI warned by the Sheriff’s office, the FBI was contacted by a friend from the mosque where Omar Mateen worshiped.  The friend told the FBI that Mateen had radicalized, and was a terror risk.  –STORY
Think about that.  Law enforcement warned the FBI that Mateen was a threat.  The mosque warned the FBI that Mateen was a threat…. and yet nothing was done to stop him from carrying out the worst terror attack since 9/11/01.    If those warning could not stop a terror attack from happening, what chance does America have of stopping another?
When you thoroughly accept the reality [FULL BACK STORY]  of law enforcement warning the FBI that Mateen was a potential terror threat, and you recognize their warnings did not change the outcome, you accept how badly this would have been for the FBI in general, and Director James Comey specifically, if the media had accurately presented the scope of the warning, and specifically WHO was doing the warning.
That reality, that hidden FUBAR, appears transparently obvious as the leverage needed for the Clinton/Obama political camps to create a quid-pro-quo.
Tell Director Comey to get Clinton into the best possible light, and the FBI Orlando FUBAR remains concealed.
The rest is simply “grubering” the electorate…
lynch clinton

This ain’t their first rodeo !
