With two weeks remaining before official voting takes place in the United Kingdom (UK) referendum to exit the European Union (EU), the most current polling shows growing support amid the “Leave” movement:
Brexit 2 June 6
Almost every argument for and against the Brexit vote now centers around self-determination in general, and immigration determination specifically.  All EU nation states operate as a broad open borders region with no statutory impediments to any EU citizen emigrating throughout the region.
The recent influx of economic refugees from the Mid-East (Syria mostly), and North Africa, via Turkey and Greece routes, has opened up a growing problem of uncontrollable inbound migration.  Consequently the economic impacts of higher demand on welfare programs, combined with the downward pressure on wage rates, has many UK citizens questioning their previous support.  Hence, the “leave” coalition is finding growing support.

In addition, the civil service apparatus, or what we might call local government, is now in a phase called “purdah” where government entities are no longer permitted to use the official institutional systems within civil service as advocates to remain in the EU.  The civil service entities are now expected to remain institutionally neutral to the outcome.  The Purdah Phase diminishes the influence of government propaganda; or, at least, that’s the intent behind it.
Former London Mayor Boris Johnson is the leading advocate pushing to exit the European Union.  Current British Prime Minister David Cameron is the leading voice trying to convince the British people to remain in the EU.
Indeed, what’s really playing out is a massive litmus test of “Globalism” -vs- “Nationalism”.
A remarkable inflection point considering the advancement of the Fabian Socialists culminated in the formation of the EU.  In addition to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), nationalist movements pushing back against decades of Fabian Society influences are propping up in France, Germany and beyond.
President Obama and Hillary Clinton want Britain to remain in the European Union which should not be a surprise considering the long term approach of the Obama/Clinton State Department via THE RIVKIN PROJECT.  Few Americans understand how the ideology behind the Rivkin Project was factually the origin of the 2010 Mid-East Arab Spring.
Obama & Clinton Focus
