• You might be noting the corporate media selling a “surging Cruz” nipping on the heels of Donald Trump narrative.  Be thankful.

• You might also be noting the corporate media selling a “more palatable Chris Christie” narrative as an option to the vulgarian uprising represented in Donald Trump.  Again, be thankful.

It’s only when the corporate media is NOT predictable, that any concern should rise.

GOP candidates crop

Somewhere between the origin of the GOPe Roadmap, The Tripwires, The Splitter Strategy and Operation Hummingbird, people have caught on.  The validity of predicting what they do, before they do it, and seeing it actually play out exactly as designed has awakened the majority.

Remove Donald Trump – then: Carson becomes Herman Cain, Ted Cruz becomes Newt Gingrich, and Jeb Bush/Marco Rubio can stroll into the role of Mitt Romney 2012…

However, none of the current plans can succeed until the primary issue is resolved, ie. the removal of Donald Trump.  Hence, we are now fully immersed in the predictable “Alliance Phase”:

One goal is to make Chris Christie a palatable alternative to Trump.  Target the Republican voter who will never support Jeb but is vulnerable to the media influence creating fear of Trump.   Hence today, 12/22/15, their push is:  The vulgarian Trump “is an embarrassment”

One goal is to elevate Ted Cruz hoping to push Trump supporters his way, then wedge issue similar voters toward Rubio.  Hence today, 12/22/15, their push is: “Cruz is right behind Trump – and is the only candidate to beat Hillary

The last goal is to keep ¹Jeb Bush alive as a viable candidate.

¹Remember: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie are all on the same team. [ Along with Fiorina, Kasich, Huckabee, Pataki and Gilmore ]

Don’t think those prior predictions were entirely accurate?   Well, let’s take a closer look at today’s quinnipiac polling.  Setting aside the top-line poll data for a moment, and again check out the construct of the press released statement from Quinnipiac (highlighted for emphasis):

qpac bias 1

(Click to Enlarge) – Press Release LINK HERE

Do you see the narrative as presented?

→ Donald Trump and the word “embarrassed” used five times in the top half of the very first presentation page.  This is not accidental.

→ Was this question asked for any other GOP candidate other than Trump?  Of course not, that wouldn’t aid the selling of it.

→ Donald Trump rallies with tens-of-thousands several times a week, yet “Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels“?  Too funny – but it gets even sillier.

→ Do you notice the non-congruent narrative juxtaposition?   All of a sudden the most polarizing political figure in the history of GOP politics, Ted Cruz, has miraculously found a way to tie Hillary Clinton?

→ This “Ted Cruz-the-Bridge-builder-to-Democrats narrative” is not only antithetical to all previous and current polling, it’s profoundly antithetical to common sense.

→ It takes a very particular poll sample to generate such a result.  A polling sample where only 4% of GOP respondents value gun ownership rights higher than climate change concerns….

….Let that emphasis sink in for a minute.

And after all that work, here’s the Top-Line results they were able to achieve:


[scribd id=293877710 key=key-Nz7TSc4absxoeHn1d6Wz mode=scroll]

Link to Methodology

Dear readers, when the GOPe, corporate media and synergistic polling outfits are this predictable there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Trump flag

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump hugs a U.S. flag as he takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting in Derry

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