Director James Comey has a 10 year term. He is, by nature of his position, not dependent on approvals of the White House for his positions on events. As such the FBI is protected somewhat from President Obama’s ideological politicization of all controversial events – yet he still needs to walk a tenuous tightrope.

Here is yesterday’s statement:

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Consider this an open discussion thread – and all expansions on yesterday’s discussion are invited and welcomed.

Occam’s Razor allows the investigative contradictions to reconcile if you consider that recording the terror event itself was equally as important, if not more so, than the actual carnage.  Hence, The Ziiggii Theory is born.

If that theory is accurate, then it is reasonable to anticipate a production quality propaganda video will surface using the attack to install fear, disrupt societal cohesion, create unease, and/or mount additional terrorist activity in/around the CHRISTmas holiday season.

The activity of the FBI can then be measured against their goal to get additional terror entities to engage in contact and discussion -“chatter“- provoking action and exposing themselves for interception and interdiction prior to any further activity.

Now is not the time to be politically correct.  Eyes Wide Open !

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