Several news outlets now confirming that at least one of the Paris terrorists was an Islamic Jihadist who flowed into Europe under the auspices of being a refugee.  The terrorist passport confirms his migration through Greece happened six weeks ago.

This new discovery supports several predictions that ISIS was using mass immigration to embed terrorists, and possibly entire terror cells, within the influx of thousands – a trojan horse for terror.

mass migration

(September 6th The Arrival of The Horde)

(Via Daily Mail)   A Paris suicide bomber who was carrying a Syrian passport passed through Greece as a refugee in October, according to a Greek minister.

The passport was retrieved from one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up outside the Stade de France stadium as part of last night’s coordinated attacks, which killed at least 127 people.

The passport holder, who is understood to be 25, passed through the island of Leros of October 3 as a refugee, where he was identified ‘according to EU rules’.

But Greece’s deputy minister in charge of police, Nikos Toscas, did not know if the passport was checked by other countries through which the holder possibly passed on his way to France.  (link)

Greek refugee

(Document Source)

(Via Breitbart) The unnamed killer was registered on the Greek island of Leros in the southern Aegean sea on the third of October. The Island is just ten miles from the Turkish coast and has been a major point of ingress for so-called ‘refugees’ into Europe, alongside neighbour island Kos.

Having come ashore in Europe in October, the killer spent just six weeks as a refugee before killing in Paris.

It is possible the man had travelled from Syria with his fellow killers with the express intention of attacking Paris, and taking advantage of the migrant flow to pass into the continent unnoticed. Britain’s BBC reports this afternoon the group may have been a self contained terror ‘cell’ from Syria.

The news will come as a major shock to the European establishment who have mocked and derided those who have warned that the migrant route into Europe would be exploited by those wishing to do harm to Europe. Latest United Nations estimates show over 800,000 migrants have passed through the Mediterranean on their way to Europe this year, with 660,700 landing in Greece and 142,400 in Italy.

Many more travel north through the Balkans, contributing to the minimum 1.5 million migrants expected by just Germany to the end of 2015.

In April of this year, just before the British General Election, UKIP leader Nigel Farage travelled to the European Parliament in Strasbourg to warn that ISIS and its sympathisers would try to find their way to European soil to commit terrorist attacks. He was roundly dismissed by the European Parliament, and Britain’s mainstream media.  (read more)

Pictured - First batch of Syrian refugees arriving in New Orleans.
Pictured – Syrian refugees
