trump crosses

CNN/ORC Polling (full pdf below) today release some jaw-dropping results showing the scope of Donald Trump’s campaign attraction.  Beyond the top-line numbers are internal considerations far beyond anything any candidate could ever hope to catch.

Everyone should read the full polling internals to grasp how favorable the results are for Team Trump:

[scribd id=285056152 key=key-CohR2KcHCQus2uzjPWdp mode=scroll]

Considering the Nevada poll was conducted during/after Marco Rubio spent 4 days in the state, the Nevada results are devastating to the RNC/GOPe preferred narrative.   It cannot be emphasized enough how wide, deep and committed the Trump coalition is to his campaign. 

In addition Donald Trump is seen as the most viable of all candidates to tackle all of the issues.  Only Ben Caron beats Trump on a single state issue, Social Issues in South Carolina.

If the race were held today (NEVADA):

Nevada screen grab 1If the race were held today (SOUTH CAROLINA):

South carolina poll screen grabtrump rally texas 3
