scotus-building_300BREAKING: The Supreme Court has added two additional “decision days” to their calendar for the session ending next Monday June 29th.  They just added this upcoming Thursday and Friday.

There are 7 decision announcements still anticipated including:  King v. Burwell, in which the court must decide whether the 6.4 million people getting subsidies on the federal exchange to buy ObamaCare will be able to continue doing so; and Obergefell v. Hodges, where the court is being asked to decide whether bans on same-sex marriage are constitutional and whether states must recognize same-sex marriages performed legally in other states.

We can anticipate one or more decisions on both Thursday and Friday of this week.

update-1UPDATE:  Given the announcement of Obama giving the eulogy for South Carolina victims on Friday we can expect the Obamacare ruling decision announcement has been aligned accordingly:
