This didn’t make the CNN breaking news scroll because the victim was non-black. However, the circumstances are not disputed.
Man who works in cat and dog insurance decides to be a good Samaritan and takes a stray cat to the animal shelter. The animal shelter demands ID from man as part of their policy. The man says that policy is ridiculous and refuses.  The shelter tells the man he is not permitted to leave the premises, and the shelter calls the cops. The cops tell man he must show id. Man refuses. Cop shoots and kills man in animal shelter for non-compliance, then justifies his death by saying he’s one of those “sovereign citizen” types.
Media?  Yeah, right – Crickets Chirp.
pew pew pew merica(ALABAMA) In late December of 2014, Robert Earl Lawrence, 30, in an act of compassion, took a stray cat to the Dothan Animal Shelter. What was a seemingly selfless act of kindness would subsequently end with Lawrence being fatally gunned down by a cop.
Almost four months after that fateful day, police have provided the public with no more answers than were given the day after the killing. They have maintained a blanket of virtual silence surrounding the incident.
As we reported previously, the staff at the shelter, rather than simply accepting the cat, proceeded to demand that Lawrence show government issued identification. Per shelter policy, they demanded Lawrence show ID, prior to being allowed to leave, according to information released by police immediately after the shooting.
Lawrence showed them a notarized legal identification in the form of an affidavit, rather than the standard Department of Motor Vehicle issued ID card. In what would prove to be a fatal move, shelter employees refused to accept his form of ID and called the police.
Immediately upon arrival, the police began to force Lawrence to show his ID, eventually attempting to arrest him. In an apparent struggle, Lawrence was fatally shot by the officer in the abdomen, according to police.
“After repeatedly being told to calm down, Lawrence was advised he was being placed under arrest. A physical altercation ensued, to which Lawrence was shot in the abdomen (by an officer),” Police Sgt. Maurice Eggleston told AL News.
After the shooting the police spin machine went into overdrive as they attempted to portray the victim in a negative light. They highlighted past run-ins with the law and labeled him a “Sovereign Citizen,” a claim which his family disputes.
Of course using blanket terms for individuals, such as the law enforcement propensity for calling someone that asserts their constitutional rights a “Sovereign Citizen,” is simply another way to propagandize the public into support. This type of activity can be seen in a leaked 2012 Homeland Security study that claimed Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty,” and “suspicious of centralized federal authority” are possible “extreme right-wing” terrorists. (read more)
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