There has been some professional parseltongue from the Rubio camp in response to their candidate being caught on camera pledging to retain Obama’s executive amnesty (DACA) if he were President.  They’ve even argued a “lost in translation” approach, and should be embarrassed.
However, this should clear it up for those who are following Rubio’s proposals, and calling him the “pragmatic” candidate.

marco rubio - face(Via Breitbart) The chief spokesman for the presidential campaign of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said in an on-record interview with Breitbart News that the senator, if elected president, would not require a secured border before he gives legislative and permanent amnesty to recipients of President Barack Obama’s first executive amnesty, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

“No,” Alex Conant said when asked if the border would need to be secured before a President Rubio’s legislative amnesty for recipients of Obama’s 2012 DACA would replace that executive amnesty.

Rubio intends to, if elected to the White House—as he laid out in a Spanish-language interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos this weekend and was subsequently confirmed by Conant—eventually undo DACA. But he would not do so until there is a legislative replacement that provides the legal status—or amnesty—to DACA recipients on a permanent basis.  (read more)

For what it’s worth no candidate is proposing a solution to the problem, they each are trying to find a way to navigate through the minefield of being called “heartless” etc.
Any actual immigration proposal will have substantive impact on the root causes and not just the illegal alien individuals working around the flawed systems to the benefit of their families.
illegal aliens major
As previously mentioned if any candidate wanted to get serious about stopping illegal alien influx they would have to put forth something similar to this:
If you want to begin a mass plan to deal with illegals, start first by eliminating Money Transfer services to Mexico (western union etc) Watch how quickly the problem begins to self-correct.
But no-one wants to actually propose factual solutions because both sides of the political spectrum actually want illegal aliens to continue doing what they’ve always been allowed to do.

♦  *Year one – Stop wire money transfers (same process we used to have for Cuban remittances). Require U.S. Treasury compliance form (SS and DL#) attached and accompanying every electronic fund transaction outgoing to Mexico and South America.

♦  *Year two – build a 15′ double chain link fence across the entire Southern border, filled with sand between both fences just like North and South Korea use. CCTV and Drone Monitored by DHS and Border Patrol.

♦  *Year three – Put Federal DHS immigration offices, INS, (or trailers – coordinate with FEMA based on demographics) in every State DOT office. Give illegal aliens 1 year to apply for green cards.

♦  *Year Four – require every business, corporation, sole proprietorship, etc. to have an employment compliance officer (can be a title added to HR person). Every compliance officer will be required to sign an annual form verifying employment eligibility for every employee in the company. Annual social security check (card check system) – Penalty for infraction:

• $100,000 fine per employee
• 1 year jail term for company owner, board of directors, and/or compliance officer.

At the beginning of year 4 you will see less than 25% of illegals remaining in the U.S. At the beginning of year #5 you will see almost negligible amounts of illegal aliens remaining.
illegal protests
