Because it’s oh so enlightening and progressive to wax yearningly about the plight of the oppressed and downtrodden, the Huffington Post pontificates the dream of erasing the oppressive White Man from the Oscar’s…

Huffpo no whites(Via HuffPo) This year marks the whitest Oscars since 1998, with all 20 acting nominations given to white folks. Equally awesome: Zero female directors, screenwriters, or cinematographers were nominated, and according to Women’s Media Center, among the 184 nominees across 19 non-acting categories, only 35 are women.

And so the Academy Award goes to… white dudes. This stark imbalance in both racial and gender diversity in Hollywood is manifested visually on the posters that represent the biggest films of the year. More often than not, white men are selected as the representatives for the movies they star in, even when they have equally signifigant female costars. (read more)
