patriot♦ About 2,500,000 people visit The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York every year. The Last Refuge was viewed about 19,000,000 times in 2014. If it were an exhibit at MoMA, it would take about 8 years for that many people to see it.  Click here to see the complete report.
2014 was a year of numerous researched stories that gained interest from a multitude of media outlets.   The research provided by you was the impetus for several MSM stories that gained attention.  Without your relentless quest for the truth behind the headlines many of these stories would not have been told.
Here’s the Top Five research articles, as selected by us, that made a difference:
irs koskinenlois lerner 3
#5)  The IRS Scandal – Arguably one of the most significant and underreported stories ever.   From research into all of the key constructs and players, it became obvious the origin of the IRS targeting scheme was not, as the media originally claimed, an innocuous Cincinnati Ohio division within the agency.
While the story is yet to be fully highlighted, we now know the Department of Justice, and the White House, where coordinating with the IRS to create the “secret list” of entities for scrutiny.
Our hope is that 2015 will see additional media scrutiny into what increasingly appears to be the largest misuse of weaponized government, against private citizens, ever known.
uac poll#4) The UAC Fraud – Our research first exposed the fraudulent claims behind the Unaccompanied Alien Children “border crisis” of 2014.   It was your individual efforts, which found the trail, and connected the dots to another massive Obama administration scheme.  Fortunately your efforts aided sunlight which blocked $3.8 BILLION dollars in fraudulent emergency expenditures.
While the rest of the media and conservative blog-o-sphere focused on the optics of the “humanitarian crisis”, which created the baseline for the ruse, you guys honed in on the financial constructs of the scheme and exposed the hidden agenda.
It was only after months of researched stories that other curios entities began to report on what you already knew – there was no massive influx of Unaccompanied Alien Children.  The objectives of the ruse where to create the impression of a crisis to pave the way for comprehensive immigration reform and social financial expenditures similar to the ACORN scheme.
jessica chambers 8#3)  Jessica Lane Chambers –  While this case is still open and research ongoing; it represents what is fundamentally wrong with Main Stream Media reporting.   A 19-year-old victim burned alive in her car in Courtland Mississippi, and a region seemingly indifferent to the horrific events of her murder.
What has so far been uncovered could make a Hollywood movie seem fictional, yet the facts are very real.   The legal corruption and obvious judicial fraud amid Mississippi in a general sense, and Panola County Mississippi in a specific sense, are unnerving to say the least.  The entire region around Memphis and Northern Mississippi is a hotbed for terrible gang related crimes which cross over into terrorist networks and worse.
We will continue to dig deep into the events and keep pressuring the media to engage the story because without an effort to keep the spotlight on the investigation, her story will never be told.
big mike 3#2)  Mike Brown Shooting  –  Your collaborative Treehouse excellence has never been reflected in a single example any better than the Ferguson Missouri case of Officer Darren Wilson shooting strong arm robbery suspect Mike Brown.
After all the details of the Grand Jury evidence were released it was amazing to see how incredibly accurate your research was.   Personally, I have never witnessed a constructive group analysis so comprehensive and so accurate – there was not one aspect of the end product of research that was flawed.   Long before the details where made public, you had nailed the physical evidence, the forensic evidence, the key aspects within the timing of the shooting, all with amazing accuracy.
The deconstruction of the early media narrative and how the witnesses where attached to the false “hands up, don’t shoot” meme was exceptional.  Not only did you guys accurately identify the people, places and motives, but you thoroughly debunked all of the Scheme Team maneuvers virtually simultaneous to those maneuvers being carried out.
Obviously we were all aided by the exhaustive, and similar, analysis of the George Zimmerman case which honed our skills.  However, even accepting that backdrop, the sheer accuracy of the final researched work product in the Mike Brown shooting stands as a testimonial to what can be achieved if honest people come together to find the truth behind an event.  The truth really doesn’t have an agenda.
#1)  The Benghazi Brief –  While this story might not have the most mainstream media attention, or even the full attention of the conservative patriots in congress as a whole, the years of exhaustive research which you helped assembled into the Benghazi Brief stands solidly as one of the best long-term documents of truth telling ever.
While the Mike Brown shooting was a localized research focus, the same level of accuracy within The Benghazi Brief construct shows how even massive stories of major significance, spread across entire continents, can be crowdsourced to find the truth – that is, “if” finding the truth is the objective.
The Benghazi Brief is a long way from the most popular story, or even the most widely read story, but with 350+ citations to fact-based events, analysis and timeline the 11,000 word brief is by far the most comprehensive soup-to-nuts research into the backstory surrounding the Benghazi Libya attack.
The brief has also been exhaustively vetted.  And while the 3 years of events within it contain some of the most controversial aspects of incredible political consequence – the brief remains unblemished by audit, and remains accurate.  The facts speak for themselves….
… and the Truth has No Agenda.
Baby Newt
And so we move on to 2015..
As ever faithful,
Wolverines !
