I’m trying to avoid putting a bunch of Mike Brown discussion posts up so I’m going to lump some general information into this thread.   Use it like a general discussion thread with the overall topic of the Mike Brown Shooting.
MichaelBrownGangSignsWith the funeral tomorrow it’s no surprise the Daily Mail begins the Sweet Swisher narrative today.   STORY HERE
Ms. Robles comes through with her customary Darren Wison bad, Mike Brown Gentle Giant stuff in a New York Times Article “Dozens Rally as Killing Funds Raised Online“.  STORY HERE
Along those lines I like to point attention to the Mike Brown fundraising.   Please notice it is SET UP by the Parks and Crump Law Firm.   Check IT HERE.
Meanwhile the Darren Wilson fundraising is done by detached grass roots with no vested interest other than assisting Officer Wilson as he faces the furnace of hate.  SEE HERE  (Don’t forget to add $235K to that total as they switched venues for fundraising)
gnome sayin'

“Gnome sayin’?”..
