President Obama gave an unscheduled press conference today covering a host of current issues and crisis topics.   When questioned about the current border crisis and the flood of illegal aliens, the financial drain, and the stall of his request for $3.7 billion in supplemental budget appropriations his response was: “I’m going to have to act alone“…

According to the HHS TAGGS system, since President Obama signed the executive order “DACA” or Deferred Deportation Action – HHS has spent:


We continue to look into the financial end of both profit and non-profit grants for illegal alien facilitation.   As you are aware, what we have found so far is considerably divergent from the familiar media stories about “faith based” organizations and charities caring for illegal immigrants.   We are currently deep into research of “for profit” corporations who are using taxpayer funds to construct a labyrinth of entities similar to ACORN.
More will follow.
