Almost every single media outlet is opining the same talking points, “the immigration system is broken“.   Not true, we don’t have a broken immigration system, we have a broken enforcement system.
There is a legal process for immigration entry consideration into the United States.  It’s not new, and it’s not broken – IT’S JUST NOT BEING USED; and worse, the unlawful cross border entry is not being stopped.
The only broken part of immigration is the “border security”….

……It’s the border enforcement that’s broken.

Anyone ever heard of “Green Cards”, or “Alien Registration Cards”, or “residency visa’s”?  These legal processes for immigration entry are currently in place and have been for decades.    That system is not broken – it works well.
The problem is that illegal aliens don’t use the lawful application system – But that doesn’t mean the system is “broken”; it means the unlawful person chooses not to follow it.
Liberals love to use talking points to create a narrative of crisis they can then proclaim needs to be fixed.   And just about every time they enlist the Prava-esque media in the construct the professional conservative political class fall for it.

border fence 6 UACIn Central America there are not masses of 7 to 10 year olds waking up early, tying their neckerchiefs on to sticks, grabbing a sandwich, kissing mom and dad goodbye and striking out for Northern boundaries.
That’s not happening either.
To proclaim as such is just silly, but no-one ever said liberals will use cognitive reason in their arguments.
Nor is the legal, or illegal, immigration system broken for “Unaccompanied Alien Children“.
Which is another crisis claim surrounding the 2008 immigration concept of non-deportation for “unaccompanied minor children” who are,…. wait for it,… “victims of child trafficking”.  Yeah, liberals love to leave out that last part about “child trafficking”.
border fence 7 UAC

This is what “Reuters News Agency” calls “unaccompanied minors coming from central America“.   Strange, but they sure have a lot of facial hair for “minors”, and they’re kinda big too, no? 

Yes, it is entirely possible to dispatch illegal border crossers, of any age, back to the care and custody of ….the government from which they hail.    (Ever hear of consulate or embassy offices ? )
But you actually have to want to do that.   President Obama, obviously, does not.
Liberal Argument to defend Obama:  “The border is more secure than ever before“.  The accurate counter point is:  “well, obviously not DUH“!
Liberal Argument to defend Obama:  “It’s impossible to secure the border with a fence and patrolling enforcement“.   The accurate counter point is:  “how would you know that, no-one’s doing thus”.
Then again, if the border *is* ‘secure’, well, obviously someone is ‘opening the gate’.
So the question becomes, “why”?
An effective border fence is a simple construct.   Two chain linked fences placed 8 feet apart and topped with razor sharp barbed wire.   Between the fences a pathway topped with 8″ of sand used to identify footprints or border violators.
border fence
Here is one between North and South Korea (pictured above).  And here is one between India and Pakistan (pictured below)
border fence 2
These are not complex engineering feats to accomplish.   They are entirely doable, and with the advent of modern technology can be equipped with motion sensors, CCTV cameras, etc.
This is not a challenging concept to execute.
However, it does actually take a President/Congress who wants to do it.   Apparently President Obama does not.
At intermittent periods you place a guard post similar to this one along the border fence in Spain.
border fence 3
Again, not massive feats of engineering.   Simple.   Easy Peasy.   But again, not to beat a dead horse, but you’ve got to want to actually, well, ya’ know, secure it.
With fence in place and guard post locations identified/built/staffed, you identify the best placement for border crossing areas for transit, commerce, and legal movement between two nations.
You put a gate there – staffed with people paid to verify legal residency status of those who wish to cross, and armed guards to insure no nefarious border violations attempted.
border fence 4
If you catch someone crossing the border illegally you stop them, finger print them, take their photograph, load their identifying information into a data base, and take them back to the gate crossing area where they walk back into the country from were they came.
You advertise that it is U.S. policy to eliminate anyone from legal visa consideration who is caught attempting an illegal border crossing.   If someone tries to cross the border they are guaranteeing themselves they will never be permitted entry.

U.S. Constitution – Amendment IV, article 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.   (link)

oath of office - obama -

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
