Either this article contains lazy/poor reporting, or the Sheriff changed his story again….


stun grenade 1GEORGIA – The investigation into the botched drug raid that left a baby critically injured is growing to include state and federal authorities.

“As a parent, I can’t imagine the horrible nightmare that this family is enduring,” said U.S. Attorney Sally Yates on Tuesday. “Federal and state authorities are coordinating to get to the bottom of what happened.”

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation announced Tuesday that at the request of the district attorney it would investigate whether narcotics officers violated the law in executing a controversial “no-knock” search warrant last Wednesday.

Meanwhile civil rights advocates delivered a letter to Yates asking that federal authorities investigate whether the rights of 19-month-old Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanh and his family were violated in the highly aggressive search that yielded no drugs, no drug dealer and no weapons. It was unclear how active a role federal authorities would play.

“It is not unusual for the U.S. Attorney to conduct a simultaneous investigation in these type of cases,” said state Sen. Vincent Fort, D-Atlanta, who helped deliver the letter to Yates. “They did it in the Kathryn Johnston case.”  (read more)

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