NEW YORK – Two radio DJs in Long Island who caused an uproar last week by posting the homophobic RSVP to a birthday party for a ‘little girl with two gay dads’ admitted on Saturday that the whole thing was a hoax.

homophobic DJ

K-98.3 DJs Steve Harper and Leeana Karlson on Wednesday posted on their show’s Facebook page a heartbreaking note written on an invitation to a ‘tie dye party’ for a girl named ‘Sophia’s’ seventh birthday.

The DJs tricked people into believing that Sophia had two gay dads, and the note – supposedly written by the mother of a friend of Sophia’s, who they called ‘Tommy’ – stated ‘Tommy will NOT attend. I do not believe in what you do and will not subject my innocent son to your lifestyle. I’m sorry Sophia has to grow up this way.’

People were outraged by the woman’s apparent bigotry, and the two fraudsters even left a phone number for the woman – who they called ‘Beth’ – and encouraged people to give her a ring if they ‘have an issue.’

On Saturday, the DJs – apparently at the behest of K-98.3 management – admitted that the entire story was a lie and issued an apology.

‘Dear K-98.3 Listeners,’ the statement begins, ‘On Wednesday, we told you the story of Sophia’s birthday party, and one parent’s objection to the same-sex household of Sophia’s parents.  We also posted the invitation on our Facebook page, and invited comments from our followers.

‘This story was, in fact, totally fictitious, and created by the two of us.  This was done without the knowledge of K-98.3 management or ownership.  (read more)

Liars: Steve and Leeana were forced to admit their story was a lie - but not before it already had been published on websites around the world
