Washington Post […]  The State Department is expected to tie Qumu’s group to the Benghazi attack when it designates three branches of Ansar al-Sharia, in Darnah, Benghazi and Tunisia, as foreign terrorist organizations in the coming days.  (link)

blood on their hands

When (Muslim-Brotherhood-Aligned) Mohammed al-Zawahiri, brother to CORE al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, was released from Egyptian prison in March 2011, he began to construct a network between Egypt and Eastern-Libya radical Islamist affiliates.   Part of that structure was contact with a Libyan islamist called Abu Bin Qumu.  As a consequence CORE al-Qaeda’s Ayman al-Zawahiri sent experienced jihadists to help in Libya.

Today the U.S. State Department claims CORE al-Qaeda has no connection to the Benghazi 9/11/12 attack carried out by Ansar al-Sharia.  While simultaneously saying:

“Militiamen under the command of Abu Sufian bin Qumu, the leader of Ansar al-Sharia in the Libyan city of Darnah, participated in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans”.(link)

Can you see the propaganda ?

(Washington Post – Today)   […]  In 2007, Qumu was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and sent to Libya, where he was detained. The Libyan government released him in 2008.

He and two other men, militia leaders Ahmed Abu Khattala and Seif Allah bin Hassine, will be identified as “specially designated global terrorists,” a determination that allows U.S. officials to freeze their financial assets and bar American citizens and companies from doing business with them.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the developments.   (read more)

Libya Banner

      • He is now 54-years old……
      • He was a libyan army trained fighter in the 1980’s…..
      • He was part of Gaddafi’s Terror Network mid/late 1980’s…….
      • He travelled to Afghanistan to fight with OBL and the Mujahadeen/Taliban in the 90’s….
      • He was captured in Pakistan by us in 2002…..
      • He was held at GITMO until released in 2007….
      • He was sent back to Libya for the ‘then friendly’ (anti-terror) Gaddaffi to monitor…..
      • He formed the ‘Darnah Brigade’, and in 2011 fought as a “Benghazi Rebel” to overthrow Gaddaffi….
      • He probably organized, coordinated, and participated in the killing of US Ambassador Stevens 2012

(Read His GITMO File) In the early 80’s he -and his cohorts- were our enemy (he was in his early twenties); then in the late 80’s with the Mujahadeen he became an ally (early thirties); then when the Mujahadeen evolved to the Taliban 90’s he became our enemy again (late thirties); In 2002 he became our prisoner (early forties), in 2007 we released him (45 years old), in 2011 he became an ally against Gadaffi (fifties), in 2012 he killed our ambassador.

(from earlier FOX NEWS report) Intelligence sources are now convinced the Mideast attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was directly tied to Al Qaeda. Catherine Herridge reported that they believe that Sufyan Ben Qumu (whose name has also been transliterated as Sofiane Ibrahim Gammu) was likely involved in the attack, and even may have led the attack on the Consulate.

Qumu – a Libyan – was released from the US prison atGuantanamo Bay in 2007 and transferred to Libyan custody under the condition that he would be kept in jail. He wasn’t.

The New York Times did a story on “Ben Qumu” in April of 2011:

DARNAH, Libya — For more than five years, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu was a prisoner at the Guantánamo Bay prison, judged “a probable member of Al Qaeda” by the analysts there. They concluded in a newly disclosed 2005 assessment that his release would represent a “medium to high risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the U.S., its interests and allies.”

Today, Mr. Qumu, 51, is a notable figure in the Libyan rebels’ fight to oust Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, reportedly a leader of a ragtag band of fighters known as the Darnah Brigade for his birthplace, this shabby port town of 100,000 people in northeast Libya. The former enemy and prisoner of the United States is now an ally of sorts, a remarkable turnabout resulting from shifting American policies rather than any obvious change in Mr. Qumu.

He was a tank driver in the Libyan Army in the 1980s, when the Central Intelligence Agency was spending billions to support religious militants trying to drive Soviet troops out of Afghanistan. Mr. Qumu moved to Afghanistan in the early 1990s, just as Osama bin Laden and other former mujahedeen were violently turning against their former benefactor, the United States.

He was captured in Pakistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, accused of being a member of the militant Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and sent to Guantánamo — in part because of information provided by Colonel Qaddafi’s government.

“The Libyan Government considers detainee a ‘dangerous man with no qualms about committing terrorist acts,’ ” says the classified 2005 assessment, evidently quoting Libyan intelligence findings, which was obtained by The New York Times. “ ‘He was known as one of the extremist commanders of the Afghan Arabs,’ ” the Libyan information continues, referring to Arab fighters who remained in Afghanistan after the anti-Soviet jihad. (read more)
