There is an often spoken phrase in the search for truthful information which aligns with Occam’s razor analysis of events:

…”The absence of something, is not, by itself, proof or confirmation of the existence of another thing”…

mainstream-media-posterThis general rule is most often correct.   However, when it comes to outlining the existence of biased intention – absence of parts of a story often does showcase the bias behind the narrative.
By now almost everyone is familiar with the incredible lengths the media has gone to just to find people who have enrolled in Obamacare.   CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, The Orlando Sentinel and many other media publications have publically requested for people to contact them with their Obamacare sign-up success stories.
The Miami Herald, New York Times and Huffington post found no-one despite repeated requests for conformational contact.  Likewise ABC and NBC, also came up goose eggs.   The Orlando Sentinel did find two, however both were DNC operatives.  Likewise a few others located all seem to be attached to Democrat fundraising operations, or groups affiliated with DNC operations – perhaps a dozen in total broadcast.
But consider this…..
In just a few hours a simple blogger, Matt Walsh, sent a request for Obamacare cost comparison stories and received HUNDREDS of responses with real examples of the negative impact of the ACA (Obamacare).   Hundreds of people emailed their heartbreaking personal stories.
Now think about that for a minute.    Coast to coast major national media are searching for an obscure minority of people who have successfully enrolled and now have health insurance;  almost like they are searching for a figment – with almost no success.
Imagine for a second if the national MEDIA were even putting in a modicum of effort to show both the Positive and the Negative impacts of Obamacare.  ?
If you consider how a new media blog of no particular consequence (no disparagement intended) can almost immediately find hundreds, it begs the obvious – Where’s THIS story nationally?

The absence of something may generally not be proof of anything, but in this regard the absence screams a particular confirmation.

