HEADS UP – We’re not sure how long this link will work; however, according to WeaselZippers  here is a link to The HHS Data.Gov site which allows you to see the actual costs of the Obamacare plans *without* subsidy……….  Meaning – THE REAL COSTS.


Apparently, when the structural HHS website was created they forgot the password function to this .gov area  [someone forgot to password the database the after subsidy prices are fetched from].   The current ‘out front’ HHS site comparisons -available through the site- only show you the *after subsidy* prices (for obvious reasons). The link above will allow you to see the prices before tax subsidies are applied – which are based on income.
Again, we don’t know how long this will be allowed to be visible – and if you think about downloading the data set, which is possible (right now), the file is massive.
As an example a pdf version is 2,110 pages long.  Though I’m sure some folks are downloading it just because it’s possible and they will save it for later use.


If you want to know the name, address, email, and phone number of every Obamacare Navigator is is also available – CLICK HERE
