“Hatred”, a very strong word;  it implies a disposition of violence, and or violent psychological sentiment in opposition to those you disagree with.

obama-angry-compilation.jpg 120114-michelle-obama-angry2s Obama with Valerie Jarrett
Hatred is what President Obama  and Valerie Jarrett have toward their political opposition – at every level.

Hatred !

angry-michelle-obama-jpg  Hillary Shrillary
They are joined with a crew of likeminded hate-filled ideologues; that’s what surrounds them.   They hate the strong exceptional projection of America that most Americans love.
The actual people are the grown up 1960’s anti-government Hippy/Doper radicals.  They have been groomed to hate our nation in the liberally infested indoctrination machines, colleges, and taught the methods of Saul Alinsky by the likes of Bernadine Dorhn, Bill Ayers, Fox and Piven.
The top levels of government are infected with them, everywhere.
ENFORCERS – The Labor union movement is used as leverage to carry out thug extortion tactics just like they themselves carried out in the 60’s and beyond.
An example was when you saw IRS Chief, Lois Lerner, called to congress for intentionally targeting opposing political views for IRS scrutiny and enforcement.   You could see her hate, it was visible – a nation was bearing witness.
All of that hatred is boiling to the surface now as the varying factions who support the ideology of the Democrats (progressive social engineers) are coming out quickly and urgently to advocate on their behalf.
One example:

Today, after the ordinary citizens took down the barry-cades a protest group showed up to take advantage of the media spotlight upon the memorial. The protestors railed against the Government Shutdown; they carried the Presidents message while attempting to represent themselves to the media as laid-off federal employees.
The problem?
They were not laid off. They were not even federal employees. They were paid protestors. Paid by SEIU union.

Remember, this is just one example – THERE ARE THOUSANDS !
One person who has contact with the National Parks Service, and notes the change in he internal leadership under the Obama administration, puts it this way:

 …..”I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary and vindictive group representing the NPS”…(link)

To give you an idea of how entrenched this arrogant, arbitrary, vindictive and hate-filled ideology is, I want to share an example from today in the Senate Leader, Harry Reid’s press conference.
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, was asked (by CNN Dana Bash) why he would not support, or bring up for a vote, the individual funding bills being sent by the House of Representatives to get parts of the government funded.   He replied:

“what right does the House have,.. to say which parts of government will be funded”?

Stop – Pause – Think  !!

What exactly is “THE ROLE” of the U.S. House of Representatives if it’s not to decide which parts get funded.    It is actually written into the constitution that way.
By law, that’s the job of the House of Representatives.  All spending bills MUST originate in the House of Representatives.
So when Harry Reid says: …”what right does the House have to say which parts of government will be funded?”…   The correct response from CNN’s Dana Bash should have been – “Senator, it’s written in the Constitution that way“….
…. but I digress.
Obama - I want you to argue with them
