Today, and all the subsequent days that follow, an entire generation of 18 to 34-year-old Kardashian millennials are about to find out their votes for the Hopey Changey guy have resulted in them being forced to sign up for a mandatory healthcare program.
obamacareSequoia High School millenials
Yes, effective RIGHT NOW, those millennials who do not have employer provided healthcare coverage, are about to find out they need to pay $200 to $400 per month, every month, just for the “right” to participate in the U.S. Healthcare System.  And if they don’t sign up for it, they will have their income tax return confiscated by the IRS who are in charge of compliance.
Personally I have yet to find a twenty something who realize that simple truth.
The Chicago Way - Obama Campaign To NAACP:  You Are Not Allowed To Leave The Plantation
Indeed the ones I have talked to all hold the same perspective: “with what”? “I don’t have $200 extra bucks a month to send to anyone“…. or comments of very similar dispositions.
Most, if not all of those, don’t realize this is NOT an option;  Even fewer realize this is NOT free.
They are about to come face-to-face with the reality of federally enforced confiscation. It’s going to be just that much harder to pay for those iphones and such, with the student loan debt to boot.

….And to all my patriotic brothers and sisters who have fought the valiant fight for over four years, I simply say this….

On the positive side, the media has drummed in with very specific repetition exactly who tried, and failed, to get this stopped.

Steady yourself, take a deep breath…. and get ready to welcome an entire generation into the community of Conservatism !
