It amazes me how weak the mainstream media is at connecting dots.  Well, that is, until I remind myself they carry so much water for this administration they dispatch news stories quickly and do not ponder.  What we do not discuss – we do not connect.
The embassies are closed.   People are asking what is the risk?  Who is the risk?
cairo 5 embassy al qaeda flag

Do you really want to know?   Really? 

It ain’t tough to figure out.   You just have to learn a new set of constants.

TODAY – “We received information that high level people from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are talking about a major attack,” Ruppersberger said. “And these are people at a high level.” (link)

No, its not actually AQAP in the sense that folks think it is.   Its the new semi-AQAP.  The one we were never discussing because it was uncomfy expansion conversation during an election year.    The answer to the “WHO” question is within the initial report(s) which we outlined a year ago.  This is “THEIR” united anniversary.   This is the crew whose intelligence was intercepted.

