Daryl Parks Doth Protest TOO Much…. This is MUST WATCH video… Quite a long way from Benjamin Crump proclaiming that “race was the 600lb gorilla in the room”.  Now the “Scheme Team” is in full desperation/recovery mode:

Oh but it gets better. Why, because we are Treepers. We NEVER forget. EVER.

So with that in mind, how about a little trip down memory lane with Daryl Parks speaking on March 23rd, 2012 to the National Association of Black Journalists

[…]  Parks, who also is president of the National Bar Association, said he does not believe the Justice Department will pursue federal hate crime charges against Zimmerman.

Even without hate crime charges, Parks said it’s clear that race played a role in Trayvon’s killing and that the family believes Sanford police actively covered up the racial component to protect Zimmerman.

“Trayvon’s situation is very tragic for this family and, I think, for every black person who lives in America,” Parks said. “We all know many situations where the person of color was not given the benefit of the doubt. That’s a subtlety in America that a lot of people don’t talk about.”  (link)

We wrote a full article about it, to include the extortion payoff HERE
