With ongoing efforts still in the works, where we are debating/arguing legal distinctions between FERPA and HIPAA as it pertains to public releases of this information, we have secured “redacted” copies for immediate review.
Where you see “– –” symbols this implies the redacted portion of the transcript. The redactions include terminology of reference to: “Diversionary Programs”, “Baker Acts”, and/or “Crisis Intervention Teams, or CIT”.
However, with the redactions, and yet understanding what is redacted, you can clearly see the footprint of what was, and perhaps still is, taking place. These affidavits surround an internal affairs investigation begun by M-DSPD Chief Charles Hurley into leaks coming from his School Police Department following the publicity around Miami-Dade school, Krop Senior High School, Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin’s behavior was diverted from a criminal record by “diversion”, including falsification of police reports, to avoid contact with the Criminal Justice System.
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