Ideological Progs never retreat, they just evaluate the opposition and change their approach.

President Obama just delivered one of the most toxic and partisan press briefings in the Rose Garden against the backdrop of the defeated Gun Control Amendment.   Within his words the next steps are brutally obvious.

“The current leader of the nra used to support these background checks. So while this compromise didn’t contain everything I wanted or everything that these families wanted, it did represent progress. It represented moderation and common sense,” Obama said. “That’s why 90 percent of the American people supported it. But instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill.”

Obama calls the 60 vote threshold (2/3 majority needed – constitutional provision now 3/5ths) a “procedural rule exploited by the minority party“.



Because he is setting up Harry Reid to historically change the Senate Rules, mid-term, and advance the progressive senate cause through a simple majority threshold.   Pay attention to how they position themselves.    What is about to take place will be historic in the manipulation of constitutional limits on power.

Those checks were the keystone for a federal registry.  Note the usual “Decepticons” who supported the amendment.
