Yesterday an interview with Robert Zimmerman aired on KTTV in Los Angeles.   Some of you have already visited the site and watched the video.   Here is the preview segment which also contains the perspectives of the interviewer Robin Sax:

Here is the full 8+ minute interview:

In addition MyFoxLA posts a written letter of condolence from Robert Jr, Robert Sr, Gladys and George’s sister on their site. An excerpt follows:

[…]  The time has come for all to know the truth about our feelings immediately after Trayvon’s passing.

Due to countless developments and complications beyond our control it was not possible to individually address Mr. Tracy Martin, Ms. Sybrina Fulton, or Mr. Jehvaris Fulton in a private setting to express our sympathy or to offer them words of comfort in the days immediately following February 26.

If there had been an opportunity immediately following Trayvon’s passing for his family to hear from the members of the Zimmerman family they have not yet heard from, we would have expressed our condolences on the loss of their son and brother.

The truth is that we would never take comfort in the knowledge that any human being had passed away no matter what the circumstances surrounding their death may be. From the first moment we knew what had transpired we were deeply aggrieved and in keeping with the teachings of our faith we prayed for the departed.

Our family values compel us to seek peace and reconciliation within ourselves and to extend these virtues to others. As Trayvon’s family remembers him, I would want them to know that at that time each of us prayed for him and each of us in our own way remembered him as well.

Moving forward, I pray they find the peace of the Holy Spirit and that it illuminates their hearts.”

Robert Zimmerman Jr. (read full letter here)

Zimmerman Family

Overall, it appears George Zimmerman’s parents together with Robert Jr, are desiring to step out from the false optics surrounding them, and begin to control the definitive narrative placed upon them and their family by the media.   A noble, albeit exceptionally difficult endeavor.

Rather, rather than provide my opinion on the interview itself (y’all feel free do that in the comments), I will instead retain my input to reflect upon two comments on the aforementioned site.   Consequently, perhaps I can further explain the magnitude of the effort in front of this family.

Below the MyFoxLA article two particular comments present the best insight into the opposition the Zimmerman family face.   The comments are reflective of a very specific and particular mindset:

While a first glance might make a person say “sheesh, hate much”?  This comment is actually highly useful in understanding the mindset and ideological approach of the people who oppose the Zimmerman Family.   Robert Jr. specifically in this example.

What the commentator “BigBoi” is expressing is precisely the typical mob mindset created by the Pied Piper Ryan Julison.    “I despise this family….”  Does this person (BigBoi) even know this family?  Of course not.   Nor does she need to.

The expression itself is pure unintellectual emotion.   This mindset is the outcome from years of institutionalized race baiting culture upon the psyche of a person who has long ago lost cognition, and now operates on pure emotion.    Emotion is the sole arbiter of their perspective; their sense of self is necessitated by this perspective.

The picture chosen for her avatar is absolutely perfect, a “Pit Bull” breed of dog.

Pit Bulls are known for their trait of indiscriminate violence.   They are easily trained to attack things without thought or cognitive query – ingrained hate trained to create a generally angry disposition.    The subject of their attack is irrelevant and inconsequential, much like the Zimmerman family;   It could just as easily be the “Smiths” or the “Joneses”. (Ironic against the backdrop of Frederica Wilson’s early comments in the case)

BigBoi is an outcome of a culture dependent on anger, ingrained anger created by a specific psychological use of “race”.   You train a Pit Bull with a knotted rope the dog will latch on to and never let go;  BigBoi is trained with an ideology of defined race replacing the rope; the intensity, or severity, of the training is much the same.

The trainers are the race-baiting classicists like champions Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ben Jealous et al, who have formed an entire financial marketing scheme around race-based manipulation, and race-based control.

The Ryan Julisons are like the intellectual marketing managers, and the Benjamin Crumps and Natalie Jacksons are the visible sales force.

BigBoi is their customer or consumer.

BigBoi can be trained to jump, think, desire, believe and even purchase anything they want her to; because BigBoi has so fully bought their sociological programming she is now a loyal life-long customer.  Indeed, just like the brand of shoes she will purchase, her identity is now driven by her ideology; and her self identity is dependent on the product the marketers sell – Racism.   A symbiotic relationship.

….”get off TV and get out of print“…. because your mere existence represents a threat to my core sense of self and identity.   You must be what I need you to be; because for you to be other, is for you to represent an ideological divergence I cannot intellectually grasp.  Your mere existence supersedes my capacity to cope with your presence.



You see, there can be no rules when you operate on emotion. There can be NO challenge to the chosen race-baiting narrative. It just cannot be permitted. If you allow questioning to seep into the mindset of an emotionally based believer you run the risk of losing control of them. Control is the key, just ask Ryan Julison, or Jim Jones, both were selling a product.

Ryan Julison recognized quickly how exposed he was on this site because his ideology and his intent were so clearly understood.

Not the intent he wanted people to know, but the intent that actually existed. The real intent.

So he quickly dispatched himself, took down his website, scrubbed his Facebook page, and began operating even further back in the shadows. The Ryan Julisons of the world know the Truth is a risk, it is always a risk, a risk they cannot afford.  Under.Any.Circumstance.

When Ryan Julison met our troop of Treehouse truthseekers he realized his curtain was removed, he was still feverishly, even frantically, pulling the levers, but we were watching him, not the optical illusion he was creating.

BigBoi, and the others of like-minded and similar consequence have spent a lifetime looking only at the illusion created in front of them.  Looking so long at that illusion – it is now their reality; their only reality.  Existence outside of that reality represents great fear and risk, so the guise must, I repeat, MUST, be retained.  Under.Any.Circumstance.

“Princess6” is a similarly minded racist.    Everything is the “next get”, yet there is never an end.    What do you think Princess6 would do if the outcome of a trial was a verdict of not guilty?   Or if Zimmerman is acquitted during the “Immunity Hearing”.?

Would she just say, “oh well, guess I was wrong about all that“?    Of course not.   There is always a reason for being systemically aggrieved.   A reason based entirely on their perception of “justice” delivered.

If their definition of “justice” does not prevail, then justice will never be done and they are perpetually aggrieved.  The disappointment is channeled as anger and blame at the system.   They have been wronged; they personally have been wronged, and the “system” is to blame.

The absence of self-reliance builds dependency.   Dependency creates voids within self.   These voids are exploited by the professional race-baiters, and the marketers, to establish the context of reliance upon the race-baiting product.    Hence, a self-fulfilling prophecy is produced, a perpetual consumer addicted by ideological dependency to your product.

Institutionalized internal voids are created, and then left to be filled by faith in the government (Obama and the CBC), or the leaders (Jackson, Sharpton et al), or the hierarchy (sales force Crump and Scheme Team) who assure the aggrieved (The Martins) that they alone can fix the injustice.

And therein lies the roots of hate.   The systemic fear and hate you just read.   For the non-dependent individual, when life presents great struggles or perceived injustice, she knows she has the power to surmount them.

Generally, happiness stems from internal strength, courage, fortitude and self-reliant non-dependent perseverance.    For the racist, when life presents great struggles -or perceived injustice- the system failed, therefore they were at the mercy of a faulty system, and they believe that only when the system is fixed can their life improve.   Their sense of self is built on systemic contingencies, which they will then seek to control or expect someone else to.

The independent self-reliant blames herself.   The dependent racist blames anyone and everyone but herself.

That is what she was trained to believe at the end of a proverbial knotted rope, while the institutional race-baiting class pulled and thrashed the rope to insure the trainee developed a cultural death grip on their ideology.

And so you bear witness.    There’s where the anger, hate and meanness comes from.  The racist ideological training causes that person to cast anger at the world when things go wrong or appear “unfair.”    She  constantly chooses only to see the “injustices” – remember they are defining them – and that makes for a very miserable, mean, blame-casting existence.

This level of institutionalized hatred is what Robert Jr and the Zimmerman family are looking at daily.

Everyone would do well to grasp the magnitude of the task at hand, and provide a measure of consideration for wide latitude as they attempt to navigate through a minefield not seen since the OJ Simpson case.

And look at how that case turned out.
