WARNING – If you are prone to big picture avoidance, or if intellectual honesty makes you uncomfortable, this is not the thread for you.
However, if you are open-minded, well versed in the consequential multi-dimensional politics of our time, and aware that little – if anything – ever happens in the abstract, then perhaps you might enjoy digging further.
There is a big picture here;  a big uncomfortable picture, and in fairness to everyone it needs to be discussed in the brightest sunlight.
To begin I will acknowledge that some TreeHouse members are/were slightly or perhaps even more than moderately annoyed at the level of focus placed upon the Trayvon Martin case by our refuge.  Indeed, it is has been a quite extensive and time-consuming endeavor, not by mere happenstance or by dismissive intention, but more by necessity.

This legal/political case in the larger context is more about a creeping Marxist ideology than anything else.   Some will scoff at such a descriptive,  but despite the awkwardness of intellectual absorption that statement is true.
Think about the various factions of ideology aligned to argue on the anti-Zimmerman side of the narrative.   Note that I say anti-Zimmerman and not pro-Trayvon because, quite simply, there is no pro-Trayvon contingent.   Trayvon Martin was, and is, merely a tool, an essential element, an excuse and a means to a much more significant end.
Those anti-Zimmerman forces are:  President Obama, the professional race-baiters and professionally -albeit perpetually- aggrieved, the radical leftists, the radical racists in the New Black Panther movement, globalists in all forms,  the Congressional Black Caucus, the young and naive tools known as ‘Occupiers’ – or ’99 percenters’, the gun control contingents, the collectivists, and the various elements that one might label broadly as the socialists; and last, but by no means least, the legions of moldable minds within the indoctrination machines of progressive education – The Kids.

In short a rather noisy, albeit less productive and industrious, bunch of minority factions who are all led to believe that Justice for Trayvon has something to do with their ideological endeavors.
Should freedom win, and should George Zimmerman defeat the alignment of forces who compromise the factional, and multi-flagged army of his opposition, a tremendous blow will have been dealt to the Marxist anti-capitalist infection they represent.

Now listen to this video carefully:

That, my friends and Treepers is why we are willing to fight back.
This single defeat can ring far louder than a thousand failed Wisconsin repeal elections combined.   This fight can, and will, be won with principle over pride, honesty over manipulation, truth over distraction, and self-reliant faith over self-interest.

This is not a fight the Treehouse chose.   This is a fight that chose the Treehouse.
– Sharon

A few days ago the site admins and I discussed the question of why Benjamin Crump chose this Trayvon Martin case.   I shared with them my view that he was just arrogant, stupid, and because of his history with winning easy battles he did not vet his victim.  Nor did he do any research into the strength or integrity of his opposition.
Parks and Crump won the Martin Lee Anderson race-based wrongful death case because the accused was not a self-described Democrat party affiliated, Hispanic, God-fearing Catholic.   The accused were the corrupt political class within the construct of a city, county and state system filled with self-interested and short-sighted politically appointed officials that ran the juvenile boot camp and wanted no part of defending themselves against the organized professional race-baiting industry.

Al Sharpton, Martin Lee Anderson’s Mother – Gina Jones, and Jesse Jackson march 2006

It was racial Marxism V. political Marxism, where avoidance and cutting your losses was the better option for the accused parties.
Martin Lee Anderson afforded Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks new houses, new cars, bigger offices, more staff, more clout, and exponentially inflated invulnerable ego’s; with which they purchased fancy vacations and political power via campaign donations.  They bought their way into the upper echelon of professional race-baiting, and private political clubs.   If you doubt these expenditures, look them up.

But soon, even with millions awarded, the money began to diminish.
They needed a new Martin Lee Anderson.   And in their rush to find him they projected the same expectation onto Trayvon Martin; only this time, they were not as lucky.   This time they did not vet either their victim nor their accused.
They were as ego-driven Generals who were looking for a battle after having defeated exceptionally weak armies.   They felt powerful and invincible.   Their ego driven expectations were clearly showcased in their initial engagements.   However, they boldly and proudly marched right into the valley of the opposition where truth held the higher ground and they were quickly in disarray.
Every action they have taken from their initial charge has been an attempt to reorganize the topography in their favor, recreate the narrative, and redefine the enemy they initially gave no interest in researching.
So they had to create a false guise in their victim Trayvon Martin.   Partly, that is why TrayMom, and TrayDad, seem so disconnected from the person Ryan Julison drew up in the tent.   Julison did not create a media strategy, he presented a battle plan to combat the truth.
Neither Sybrina nor Tracy know this Trayvon character that Mr. Julison created, packaged and sold.   Nor do they know the Trayvon that Natalie Jackson and Benjamin Crump are  exploiting to the media.    Therefore they needed to consistently retain Crump, Jackson, Parks, or another more seasoned official like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson beside them.

Additionally, because of the rush into the false judgements, the scheme team needed to redefine the accused.   They had no idea the subject of their attack was a Democrat, a Black-Hispanic, a Catholic, or a mentor of young black students who had personally engaged himself in the noble effort to bring justice to a former black homeless victim of brutality.

Zimmerman Family

They picked the wrong guy, and by the time they realized they had forgotten to evaluate the battlefield, they, along with their previously purchased political friends and well bought race-baiting cohorts, had marched blindly into the valley of short-sighted expectations.
So they had to redefine their adversary if they were going to shine up the dreams for the golden goose.
George Zimmerman’s black and hispanic roots were replaced with him being White.   George Zimmerman’s mentoring of black youth, and defending of black victims was replaced with him being racist.   George Zimmerman’s natural tendency toward altruism was replaced with him being a bigoted vigilante.   George Zimmerman’s naiveté and trusting disposition toward human nature was used as a weapon against him.
Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize – Attack.   The strategic approach of re-definition.
The absolute Classic Marxist approach when redefining the narrative to ensure that a good opportunity does not go to waste.   Failure cannot be considered an option because far too much credibility has been placed on the line, including the Office of The President.
Michael Barger commented upon this eloquently yesterday and his keen perspective  deserves the full merit of your review.   He said:

One striking thing is the venom poured out on Gallegos by the Hispanic commenters at LatinoLA accusing him of being a self-hating Hispanic. This is typically liberal. If you are black and don’t agree with the liberal orthodoxy you are an Oreo, born of a woman in disagreement, a “woman without a uterus”.

Hispanic leftists must support the Democratic position and will do so if that requires betraying innocent Hispanic victims like George Zimmerman, and Jaime Zapata and hundreds of Hispanics who are Mexican citizens.

The NY Times has de-Hispanicized George by calling him a white Hispanic, and thus turning him into a white racist since it would be highly problematic for Latino liberals for him to be a Hispanic anti-black racist.

There is another dimension to George’s personality that is highly relevant and completely ignored even by his conservative supporters which is that George is a devout Catholic, moreover one who has been formed profoundly by the Hispanic Catholicism of his mother and grandmother.

This was not evident to me until I read Chris Francescani’s excellent profile on him in Reuters. That specifically Hispanic Catholic formation is what made George the kind of person who was willing to risk his life when his neighbors ask him to protect them. And his life is still at risk. For protecting his neighbors he may yet be murdered by the black Baptist lynch mob. In fact,  I think that it is inevitable.

The treepers here are absolutely correct. George is innocent and all that is going on is figuring out how to acquit him without causing race riots. This inevitably will require that George is found guilty of something, anything to make sure Obama and Holder can have their racist cake and eat it too.

But why should George have to pay to stop a race war Obama cooked up to insure maximal black turn out for the election. I hope he refuses anything short of acquittal.

The other problem is that no one is championing George with the exception of treepers and all of two heroic tweeters who duke it out everyday in the twitter trenches against the lynch mob hordes.

White conservatives are spending their time attacking Eric Holder for Fast and Furious and Brett Kimberlin and doing nothing for George. Bloggers aren’t blogging and the Bigs and Daily Caller are not writing about this.

There are no Hispanic conservative heavies writing about George and no Catholic heavies either.

No one is making the connection of George as a Hispanic Catholic victim of the African-American Ascendancy with Jaime Zapata and the hundreds of Hispanic Catholic victims of Fast and Furious nor with Obama’s attacks on Catholics in the matter of HHS.

It bothers me a great deal that conservatives always mention the death of Brian Terry and rarely the death of Jaime Zapata and it is because they are Anglos and identify more closely with Brian Terry. This is not racism, just insensitivity and stupidity. Jaime Zapata’s death is of greater significance precisely because he is a Hispanic Catholic. He should be front and center.

Obama has taken a great risk by subjugating Hispanics to his African-American race-baiting agenda and has correctly so far judged that he can get away with using Hispanics and they will not object.

It is too bad George’s name is not Jorge Mesa (his mother’s name).  All of this would have been much clearer.

Bloggers and GOP spokesmen need to fight back and make the connections clear. Particularly Hispanic, black, and Catholic bloggers. Mitt and Marco need to speak up. The conservative media need to make the Catholic and Hispanic connections clear and start reporting as assiduously on the case as treepers have been. There need to be more than two tweeps fighting in the trenches on Twitter.

Obama is playing with fire using Hispanics as servants to his black racist agenda because within two election cycles they will be the largest ethnic minority in the country. Moreover, there are is a great deal of mutual racial antagonism between blacks and Hispanics. Much gang violence takes place between black and Hispanic gangs. There is much tension in schools between black and Hispanic students.

Conservatives need to start pointing all this out. Moreover, the need to press on Obama to call off the lynch mob. He and Sybrina Fulton can end it. But Obama doesn’t want to end it because he has to ensure maximal black turnout for the election. He has made sure that “injustice” will be the inevitable outcome of proceedings against George because he instructed Eric Holder to have the FBI investigate George for having committed the capital office of committing a race crime. Anything less will be a miscarriage of justice so race riots are inevitable, which is exactly what Obama wants so blacks vote in November.

It is important to remember that this is all taking place in the swing-state of Florida where the Republican convention is being held in Tampa at the end of August, 130 miles away from George’s home.

On economic and competent management issues Mitt deserves to win, and I hope he does. He has won women and Catholics and moderates. He and the GOP underestimate what millennial turnout is going to be. I am not at all confident pollsters are accurately tracking them because all of them are on cellphones. They are making faulty assumptions that millennial behavior tracks what millennials did in 2008 and there have rapid sociological changes in the last four years I don’t think they are taking into account.

With Hispanics they appear to me to be clueless. They have a vague awareness that demographic changes are going to be important “down the road” and no idea how they are going to make inroads among Hispanics all of whose cultural institutions are in the hands of liberals.

There is not one word of Spanish on Mitt Romney’s site. He occasionally makes his Hispanic videos but all of his videos need to be subtitled in Spanish and made available for activists to spread all over the internet, and he’s not doing it.

His Hispanic team consists largely of traditional Chamber of Commerce and GOP establishment types. He has made no outreach to conservative Hispanic bloggers and new media journalists, he hasn’t even dared to face up to the number one Hispanic political commentator, Jorge Ramos on Univision, despite the fact that Jorge just denounced Obama for unauthorized use of his image in an Obama advertisement.

Obama is exploiting Hispanics to ensure maximal black turnout. He is attempting to ensure maximal Hispanic turnout by his effective amnesty for DREAMers. However, granting them work permits damages the economic interests of both blacks and Hispanic citizens. Blacks now have to compete with 800K more Hispanics for jobs.

As Victor Davis Hansen has just pointed out, immigration enforcement and Obama’s deportations had the effect of raising rages for Hispanics as the Hispanic labor pool shrank. With an additional 800K bodies wages will go down.

My advise to William Gellagos is to stop the front attack on the likes of LatinoLA and start a bi-lingual blog and a twitter campaign among Hispanic conservatives and start hammering away at the connection of George Zimmerman as another Hispanic Catholic victim of Obama along with Jaime Zapata and the hundreds of Hispanics killed in Fast and Furious.

There is one issue besides immigration and the economy that Hispanics care about more than anything else: education. 85% of Hispanics are Catholics and would prefer their kids to be educated in Catholic schools. A rising number of them are Evangelicals, and they too would prefer for their kids to be educated in private religious schools if they could afford it.

Currently they are entrapped in a unionized monopoly public school system in which black-Hispanic racial conflict is endemic. Vouchers and charter schools are a winning issue for Hispanic Catholic voters. Mitt and the GOP need to hammer away at this, but unfortunately on this as on other issues they are clueless.

He went on to say:

The fundamental reality is that we live in a multi-racial society. Obama is half black and half white. George is part White, part Black and part Hispanic.

The Democratic race baiters cannot abide this reality which spells their doom. They have to preserve the myth that there are separate and distinct races in order to maintain their racial identity politics. To win they have to pander and play one racial group off against another. And, what very few people realize, religious groups against one another.

They have been compelled to turn George from a profoundly Catholic Hispanic into a white person completely bleached of religious identity. The race baiters are Black Baptists.

This allows then to piously proclaim that they are not anti-Hispanic Catholic racists but only anti-white racists because they believe firmly that only whites can be racists, that whites enjoy “white privilege,” and that the justice system is thoroughly an anti-black white racist system.

You write that George is not being charged with a racist hate crime. Technically you are correct. Overall you are wrong.

President Obama made sure to have Eric Holder have no fewer than 10 FBI agents investigate George and threaten him with a racist hate crime the penalty for which is death in Florida.

In one sense you are completely correct; George was not suspicious of Trayvon because he was black, but because the people in the community asked him to protect him from burglars and thieves.  Most of them happened to have been black.

But race is the explosive sociological sub-text and you are naive to ignore it. Obama and the race-baiters understand this thoroughly and are exploiting it to the maximum for two goals:  the first is to ensure maximal black turnout for the election and the second is to destroy the 2nd Amendment and bad private ownership of guns.
