HatTip YTZ4Me – Todays 3 examples below.  But first a reminder:

In any left revolution, be it progressive, bolshevik, socialist, fascist, maoist, or bolivaran, it is necessary to knock down organized religion. The Catholic Church competes for the hearts and minds of people and does so effectively, as do the evangelical Protestant churches, etc. Further, the Church is organized and so can put out a message of opposition.

So at some point the revolution has to take the Church on, or lose. Socialists today understand the power the Church had in Poland in the 1970s, in Nicaragua and El Salvador in the 1980s, and in Venezuela today. The current revolution will not make the mistake of allowing the Church to survive long-term.

If the revolution is strong enough to take out the Church directly, it does so. But if not, it has to take on the Church in ways that compromise the Church’s moral authority and organization.

It’s rather, well, Alinsky-like, eh?

But the deconstructionists, the “institutional left”,  don’t want to be visibly perceived as attacking or intolerant of religion.   They must create an appearance of moderation to hide the goal.   Case(s) in point:
#1.   The White House is organizing socialist prayer vigils for Obamacare outside the Supreme Court when justices hear legal arguments. FOX News reported:

“On Wednesday, White House officials summoned dozens of leaders of nonprofit organizations that strongly back the health law to help them coordinate plans for a prayer vigil, press conferences and other events outside the court when justices hear arguments for three days beginning March 26.”

#2.  The New York Times published an ad today that calls on Catholics to leave the Catholic Church.   The far left group calls liberal Catholics “enablers” and says it’s time to choose between the “woman-hating, sex-perverting, old boy’s club” and reproductive rights.   The Freedom From Religion Foundation purchased the ad.

#3.   Episcopalian Leader Who Calls Abortion a “Blessing” Tells Congress She Would Break the Law To Help Minors Get Abortions.   (CNSNews.com) – Were Congress to outlaw the transporting of a minor without her parents’ permission across state lines to get an abortion, an abortion- and gay-rights activist testifying on Capitol Hill Thursday she would break the law to continue to help girls end their pregnancies.
Appearing as a Democratic Party witness at a hearing of the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, Dr. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, president and dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass. recalled the time she took a 15-year-old girl she had never met before to get an abortion.
“Although New Hampshire was closer to that girl’s home than Boston, as it happened, I did not take her across state lines,” Ragsdale said. “Nor did I, to my knowledge, break any laws.  (more)
