Yesterday President Obama released a campaign commercial claiming he has been the most ethical administration ever (*here is a screen shot of that video below).

Leaving aside the date of the media quote was less than 24 hours after his inauguration January 20th, today a new ethics report shows exactly the opposite.

(Daily Caller) President Barack Obama’s top 350 bundlers in the upcoming 2012 election have  already snagged 68 high-status jobs in the administration, and 250 have landed  resume-boosting invites to White House events, according to a study released  Thursday by a left-of-center media foundation.

The report, by the Center for Public Integrity, also said that 30 of the  bundlers are tied to government-related companies on Wall Street, in the  green-tech sector or in the defense sector.

The report defines bundlers as people who contact their friends to collect  and forward political contributions starting at $50,000 and climbing to more  than $500,000.

The report was produced a day after Obama’s 2012 campaign released a TV ad  congratulating the president for ethical propriety. Titled “Unprecedented,” the  ad claimed that Obama “kept a campaign promise to toughen ethics rules.”

The ad’s statements were derided by GOP activists and even by Washington Post  columnist Glenn Kessler, who awarded the ad “Four Pinocchios” for false  claims.

The new report builds on a 2011 investigation by the center, whose main  funders are left-of-center people and foundations. The 2011 investigation showed  that almost 200 of his bundlers in the 2008 campaign won administration jobs,  often as ambassadors.  (read more)
