For many reasons I hope this is successful.   It isn’t anything personal against John Boehner, but he has done an absolutely horrible job framing the fight.  In almost every optical judgement Boehner has been out maneuvered, and he has positioned the narrative as the Tea Party freshmen being the problem.   This is where Boehner fails miserably and he isn’t alone.  Mitch McConnell is just as bad, if not, worse.

President Obama has never had a budget to restrict his progressive spending ideology, and this simple mathematical fact just sits in the corner gathering dust while the conservative movement is labeled extremist for wanting attention paid to ridiculous federal spending.  Boehner’s incompetence and abject unwillingness to disconnect from the beltway establishment is a problem.  Like a horse with blinders on he walks a familiar path oblivious to the changing changed landscape around him.   And like the saying states: “if you ain’t part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem”.   Boehner and McConnell have become part of the problem.

(Via Fox News) House Speaker John  Boehner will face a challenge in the GOP primary next year, Fox News has  confirmed.  26-year-old David Lewis, who does not live in Boehner’s Ohio district, has  filed with the Butler County Board of Elections (in Boehner’s home county) to  challenge the speaker on March 6.

Lewis is a Tea  Party loyalist who lives in Clermont County on the east side of  Cincinnati.

Asked about the challenge, Boehner spokesman Cory Fritz said: “The Speaker is  focusing on working for the people of the eighth district to cut wasteful  Washington spending, eliminate excessive regulations and help create a better  environment for jobs and long-term economic growth.”

Boehner did not face a primary challenge last year, though Butler County  Sheriff Richard Jones has flirted with previous bids. Boehner did face his  most active opponent in years in the general election last year.   Still, Boehner handily dispatched Democrat Justin Coussoule in November 2010,  collecting nearly two-thirds of all votes cast.  (article)

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