Amid all the chatter and opinions of possible cabinet positions for the incoming Trump administration a few of them seem more likely than others.  General Mattis (w/ waiver) for Defense Secretary, and Mayor Rudy Guiliani for State Secretary are among the more ideologically, purposefully and intuitively aligned.
kris-kobach-3Another name that seems like a very real possibility, given the Trump immigration proposals and needed enforcement mechanisms, is Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.
We previously outlined how Kobach appeared to be the central architect of the plan –SEE HERE.
Today, another report surfaces with a rather interesting angle as an AP photographer captured the image of some documents Kobach was carrying into a meeting with Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
(Via Kansas CJOnLine) A written plan for the Department of Homeland Security brought by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach into his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump spells out a desire to question “high-risk” immigrants over support for Sharia law and the U.S. Constitution.
Kobach, an early Trump supporter, met with the president-elect on Sunday and has been mentioned as a potential pick for a position within the administration. Some speculation has centered on the secretary of Homeland of Security, and Kobach’s plan appears to lend credence to that possibility.
An Associated Press photographer shot an image of Kobach going into the meeting and clutching a binder along with a stack of papers. One page is visible and readable, though partly obscured by Kobach’s hand. (read more)
